Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have

GOALS for today:

To go to my first "therapy" session. I'm so nervous, I could vomit.
Take a shower and put on makeup (seriously haven't done this often in the last month)
Read my scriptures
Do the dishes
Running tonight
Pick up the apt before Miles gets home

PLANS for this year:

DISNEYLAND in december!! An epic week-long trip...Miles has NEVER BEEN!
Move out of our tin shed
Put a "bun in the oven"
For me to start school (funding is the problem)
Get financially stable and build up a good savings
Find a part-time job
Be healthy: mind, spirit, and body


Be content
Unstoppable faith
Own a BEAUTIFUL home and be able to decorate it to perfection!
Have my own piano
Never get angry or frustrated with my hubby ( or not explode with rage when it happens..patience!)
To not like chocolate!

1 comment:

ginalenore said...

Wow, that's a good list!! Although the "bun in the oven" and the financial stability and savings will maybe be the hardest to achieve (at the same time, for me anyway!). Hee hee. We have money, and we still somehow seem to spend almost all of it! It's ridiculous, really. This is fun to read all of your stuff, btw. :)