Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

I have several "people" that have influenced my life greatly. They all have come in differenct stages of my life and have greatly played a role in the person I am today. I love them all and feel so thankful for having had them in my life!

Miles taught me to love. And to be loved. Opening my heart to him has been the greatest gift in my life. He is a tender-hearted person who only wants the best for me and loves me no matter what I say or do. He is, for sure, the best thing in my life.

Julee and Gina

These two ladies are some of the most awesome people you will meet! Their friendship to me has changed my life. I have not always had the best life and consequently had a lot of anger, sadness, and loneliness. I felt of no worth and unliked, and many other negative feelings about myself. These two changed that. They taught me laughter, love, and most importantly the value of friendship. I will forever be indebted to them for changing me so much as a person and for the you girls!

Jenene and Walt
Jenene and Walt have been my "adopted" parents. They took me in as their daughter when my mother passed away, and never once, have I felt anything different. Since I was a tiny tot, they have supported me in all my various activities and have taught me so much, including the value of family! I would not be who I am today without them.

Grandma Layton
My Grandma Layton taught me the value of service. She was always serving those around her, and as a child, often brought me along. As she got older and unable to do things for herself, I was able to serve her and take care of her until her final days. Those are cherished times and I'm thankful each day for being blessed to have her as my Grandma.

1 comment:

Julee said...

Awe...!!! I made it on your blog!!! hehe! :) j/k Honestly girl I should be the one writing about YOU though!!! You were and still are the BESTEST unconditional one that I will forever be grateful for!!!! You will never know what a blessing it was to me in my life to have you there!!!!!!!!! Love ya!!!
P.S. And who doesn't love Gina and all of those other AMAZING people you wrote about!! You are totally blessed!!!