Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 14- A picture of something you ate and 10 confessions


Totally what I had for breakfast. Delish.

10 confessions

One: I secretly hate skinny people. I am full of an inner rage knowing I will never look like them or be able to wear skinny jeans.

Two: I NEVER step on the cracks when walking on a sidewalk. I noticed this when I went on a walk with my sweetie last night at the college, and it was a LONG walk!

Three: I once ran my sister's car into another car and NEVER told a soul! It dented the front bumper and she never really noticed until a year later and just had it fixed when she dented the other side of the car!

Four: I cheated on a spanish test in junior high...still flunked it though, karma is a beast!

Five: I have some major eating/self-esteem issues that I have always ignored, until now. I'm finally getting help and it feels really good!

Six: I'm obsessed with the Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire tv show right in LOVE!!!

Seven: I have a potty mouth. Its mostly under control but in intense moments of rage it comes out.

Eight: I LOVE to swim, but deep water secretly freaks me out, and swimming in an ocean, forget about it!I'm a pool girl ALL THE WAY!

Nine: I once hid under my bed and pretended I wasn't home so I wouldn't have to go to piano lessons.

Ten: My husband is the ONLY person I have told everything that I have to tell to. And he still loves me. Wow.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I like this one! Totally laughed about you hiding from piano lessons! And whatever, I am sure you look great in skinny jeans :)