Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 04- List 15 songs that represent your life’s soundtrack.

I would just like to say this was freaking hard! I don't think I probably picked all the right songs. But these songs have played a part in my life in one or the other. How significantly I don't know, but here I go:

1-"Be My Baby Tonight" John Michael Mongtgomery: my bought me a blizzard for being able to sing this whole song. Every time I hear it, I remember her and how she always challenged me to fun things!

2-"Monkey" Counting Crows: my first serious relationship, this boy dedicated this song to me. I owe a lot to him. He showed me that I could be loved for who I am and I will forever be grateful to him for that...and this song always reminds me of him and our many good times!

3-"Hold My Hand" Michael Jackson and Akon: Miles played this for me while we were dating...its exactly how we are...always holding hands no matter what the situation is. And when that hopeless feeling sets in for either of us, as soon as we are holding hands, we know it will be allright and we can make it through anything.

4-"Disney's Electrical Parade": This song gets me all sorts of happy! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Electrical Parade at Disneyland and the music makes it my own little heaven on earth. Seriously even now, when I hear the music I about die from pure happiness.

5-"Someone Like You" Adele: I went through a painful "breakup" with a boy I believed I would be with forever. This relationship, still to this day, is one of the hardest experiences of my life. This song explains how I feel about it and how much it hurt knowing I was not the one for him no matter how much I wanted to be.

6-"Born to Be My Baby" Bon Jovi: I LOVE bon jovi...been to his concerts at least 4 times and each show is pure fun! This is one of my favorites and gets me happy each time I hear it!

7-"All of Me" Jon Schmidt: I have a deep passion for piano. I LOVE to listen as well as play it. Everytime I hear Jon play, it ignites my love for the piano. Playing piano is a big part of my life, and I love it!

8-"Stand" Rascal Flatts: My theme song! From the first moment I heard this song, I believed it was written about me! "You mind bend till you break....on your knees you look up, decide you've had enough, you get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off...then you stand."

9-"Up Around the Bend" CCR: reminds me of home, and the summers spent at Cluff Ponds and the river!

10-"You Are Loved" Josh Groban: This song reminds me when I feel overwhelmed, that I am loved and to not give it. It really brings me to tears almost everytime I hear it. Especially now that I have Miles who is my number one supporter and I know he loves me.

11-"She Thinks My Tractors Sexy" Kenny Chesney: without fail, reminds me of Thatcher where I grew up and especially high school and the memories made there! Even my senior year, we had shirts made that said this, "He thinks my tractor's sexy."

12-"Carol of the Bells" Mannheim Steamroller: this song reminds me so much of my sister and mom. We listened to this each Christmas and it makes warm fuzzies in my heart remembering those happy times of us three together!

13-"Take on Me" A-ha: each time I hear this song, it reminds me of my dear little brother Jake. He used to sing the high parts in the car. Each time, without fail, it would bring me to tears from laughing and would leave me in awe that a male can reach notes that high. And do it well!

14-"I Know That My Redeemer Lives" Hymns: This song gives me chills each time it is sung in a congregation. Its amazing how much strength and conviction people sing this song with, and what a testimony it is to me of what we believe as latter-day saints.

15-"Life Aint Always Beautiful" Gary Allan: soundtrack to my life. I've been through some really crappy situations in my life, and they sucked. Big time. But I have always been able to come out stronger, and better learned for them. I truly believe that Lord does not give us anything we cannot handle. I would not trade anything I have been through. Its made me who I am and taught me things that I would not otherwise have learned.


Wendy said...

I like how you mentioned that this was hard for you...because I've been wanting to do this one for a long time!!! Don't think I'll have a hard time either. My life is ruled by songs that inspire me in what to do and how to be, haha! Maybe it's not a good thing, but oh well

Julee said...

The electric parade...!!! lol :) Need I say more!!?? haha!! I really do like the parade!

Julee said...

P.S. We need to all go to Disneyland sometime!! Wouldn't that be fun!!!??