Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Day 24- Share a story about your past that you are ashamed of

Back when I was young, probably around 7ish, I said some mean things to my grandma. They were mean words.
Ugly phrases that should not be spoken.
By anyone, to anyone.
Especially not your elders.
Me and a cousin thought it would be funny to hide in the bushes and say them. We did it for hours, and thought we were so cute. We were'nt. I saw her face that day. And that's what breaks my heart. I learned that day that words do cut deep. And from that day on, I never spoke another unkind word to her.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 23- What is something you crave

I am craving Muddy Buddies.

For those who don't know, its chex mix (I prefer Rice) mixed with chocolate, peanut butter, vanilla extract, and then covered in powdered sugar.

Its heaven in a bowl.

I could live off that stuff!

I might just make some today!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else

I asked my husband and this is what he came up with.....

"You color-coordinate the clothes hanging in the closet."

There you have it!

I have OCD with our closet!!!

Friday, July 22, 2011

Day 21- Share a picture from your day

Miles sent me this picture today with a sweet message:
"Just look at that beautiful face! I'm always here for you babe even when it seems the hardest! I love you!"

Meant the world.
I love him.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 20- If you had 3 wishes, what would they be

3 Wishes:

One: To ALWAYS be skinny

Two: infinite amounts of money

Three: happy and healthy family

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 19- Nicknames you have & how or why you have them

I have a few:

Dash (pronounced Day-sh): just a shortened way of saying Dasha

Dash(pronounced, "a dash of salt, please!": nickname I got in my old singles ward

Donna: Jake and his weird names for people

Iceberg: high school....I always would interrupt a certain couple during make-out times...completely innocent I say, but this is what they called me friday and saturday nights!

These are the ones I can think of now, sure there are many more...hopefully all nice!!!

Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have

GOALS for today:

To go to my first "therapy" session. I'm so nervous, I could vomit.
Take a shower and put on makeup (seriously haven't done this often in the last month)
Read my scriptures
Do the dishes
Running tonight
Pick up the apt before Miles gets home

PLANS for this year:

DISNEYLAND in december!! An epic week-long trip...Miles has NEVER BEEN!
Move out of our tin shed
Put a "bun in the oven"
For me to start school (funding is the problem)
Get financially stable and build up a good savings
Find a part-time job
Be healthy: mind, spirit, and body


Be content
Unstoppable faith
Own a BEAUTIFUL home and be able to decorate it to perfection!
Have my own piano
Never get angry or frustrated with my hubby ( or not explode with rage when it happens..patience!)
To not like chocolate!

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

Hands down, a famous singer.
I'm so SCARED to sing in front of people! I would love for that fear to not be there....
Preferably someone in the indie genre. I love their soul and feelings they have when they sing.
I would most likely pick Adele. I LOVE the emotion she sings with, and the passion she obviously has.
Plus have you seen the chick? She's freakin gorgeous with killer style.
And I LOVE that she is a bigger girl but has all the confidence and style to spare.
I want that.
And to be happy NO MATTER what size I am.

Sigh, maybe someday.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 16- Something you could live without

I could live without "desert creatures." Aka, snakes, scorpions, and frogs. All three of these things cause increased blood pressure, shortened breath, and the intense urge to run!!! I hate them all. Yes, I used the word: hate. Not one ounce of love for them. At all!!!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle & share the first 10 songs that play

I'd first like to say, that I NEVER use my ipod anymore. Its an old nano and doesn't hold anything. Its always frustrating trying to pick what to put on it. So it hasn't been updated in awhile......

1. "Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch"-The Four Tops
2. "You and Me"-Dave Matthews Band
3. "Bed of Roses"-Bon Jovi
4. "Someday I'll Be Saturday Night"-Bon Jovi
5. "Mi Ancia"-Mindy Gledhill
6. "Jonah"-Guster
7. "Lifeline"-Mat Kearney
8. "Beer in Mexico"-Kenny Chesney
9. "Brand New Day"-Joshua Radin
10. "Men of Snow"-Ingrid Michaelson

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 14- A picture of something you ate and 10 confessions


Totally what I had for breakfast. Delish.

10 confessions

One: I secretly hate skinny people. I am full of an inner rage knowing I will never look like them or be able to wear skinny jeans.

Two: I NEVER step on the cracks when walking on a sidewalk. I noticed this when I went on a walk with my sweetie last night at the college, and it was a LONG walk!

Three: I once ran my sister's car into another car and NEVER told a soul! It dented the front bumper and she never really noticed until a year later and just had it fixed when she dented the other side of the car!

Four: I cheated on a spanish test in junior high...still flunked it though, karma is a beast!

Five: I have some major eating/self-esteem issues that I have always ignored, until now. I'm finally getting help and it feels really good!

Six: I'm obsessed with the Fresh Prince of Bel-Aire tv show right in LOVE!!!

Seven: I have a potty mouth. Its mostly under control but in intense moments of rage it comes out.

Eight: I LOVE to swim, but deep water secretly freaks me out, and swimming in an ocean, forget about it!I'm a pool girl ALL THE WAY!

Nine: I once hid under my bed and pretended I wasn't home so I wouldn't have to go to piano lessons.

Ten: My husband is the ONLY person I have told everything that I have to tell to. And he still loves me. Wow.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 13- Write a letter telling someone something you could never tell them.

Dear Person,

No one likes to talk to you while you proceed to show all the contents of the food you are eating WHILE talking and WHILE smacking your lips like a damn cow.

That is all,


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 12- A picture of your room & don’t cheat by cleaning it. Share a secret

Our room....we live in a studio apt that's about 450 square feet. So this is literally half of our apartment! Our bed is so big that we had to get rid of the couch. So other than two dining room chairs and an small overstuffed chair, this is our only seating!

And as for a secret...hmmm.....the first one I can think of is that I have never bore my testimony is sacrament meeting, as in on fast sunday....I've done it while speaking but I do not think that counts. Youre already up there so its not as bad. The worst part is walking all the way up to the front from your seat while people watch you. I'd rather pick up dog poo than bare my testimony....

Day 11- A picture of something you dislike



Sunday, July 10, 2011

Day 10- A story about a past relationship

Oh man.

I cannot think of any good stories.

I dated, had a few "serious" relationships.

Sure there's a good story somewhere but I


Think of one.

So sorry folks.....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 09- Something/someone you’re proud of.

Well, I can't say I've done too many things that I'm proud of. I blame it on my intense feelings that I never can or do anything right! But one that keeps popping into my mind is when I gave my Grandma Layton's life story at her funeral. Before she passed away, she had her funeral, etc. everything planned out. In it, she asked me to give her life story. Why, to this day, I do not know. All I know is that when my Aunt asked me to I kind of freaked. I had no clue how I was going to do it. One, I did not know my Grandma's life history, and she never really kept journals or anything, plus most of the people who knew her had already passed away. Two, the thought of speaking in front of people AT A FUNERAL was almost more than I could take. I knew I'd be an emotional mess and it would be hard to get the words out. And three, ultimately I knew I could not get out of it because MY GRANDMA has asked me. And you never say not to her!! Consequently after much pray and few cool experiences, I knew I had to do it. Turns out, Jenene ended up giving my Grandma's life history and I gave my life history with my Grandma. It turned out well, even though I did not write it till eleven o' clock the night before the funeral! To this day, I am so glad I did it and that I have some choice memories written down forever about my Grandma Layton.

My Grandmother

I feel honored today to be able to share with you a few chosen memories of my life with a wonderful lady. This woman has done much for me and has influenced me in such a way that I will never be able to repay her. She has taught me and shown me things that will forever be a part of who I am and if I am ever considered someone great or special by another, I will give much credit to her. She has shown me that with unconditional love, anything and everything is possible in this world. This special woman is my Grandma.

Growing up, I had the opportunity of living with my Grandma. This provided me with many chances to get to know her and to learn from her. My earliest memory of her is making pancakes every Saturday morning. She would wake me up early and FORCE me to make them from scratch. It did not matter how much I complained or the countless exscuses I could and did come up with. I had to make those pancakes! No matter of reasoning convinced her that a mix was just as good. While I hated it at the time, as I grew older and had to live on my own, pancakes has become a staple of my culinary abilities!

Another early memory is of bedtime. Every night, without fail, before I would go to bed, I would go into my grandmother’s bedroom and we would play games. The favorite was Sorry. We loved that game. Both of us were competitive and loved to win, which she mostly did. Sometimes we would get so involved that when we had to say sorry, we would shout it out. Many times, my mom would come in and tell us to be quiet because we would get so rowdy and disturb the whole house. Just the other day, I found an old yahtzee game in the bottom of her drawer. I opened it and on the scorecard was both of our names. I checked the score, and of course, Grandma won. Those were fun times, and it showed a young granddaughter that grandmas could be fun.

Often times, as the young one in the house, my job was to find things that my grandmother has misplaced. The most frequent thing was her hearing aides. After I had moved away, she would call me in a frantic asking me to come over and help her find them. Another common one was her glasses. One night she kept looking and looking and could not find them. After becoming frustrated she sat down and to her amazement realized that her glasses had been on her head the whole time! We all got a good laugh out of that one.

My grandmother and I shared many similar interests. It has been fun the last year, being able to spend so much time with her. We had opportunities to talk and I really came to know my grandma. I realized that we both LOVE Dr. Pepper. Everything tastes better with one was our motto. Many times I would go visit her and ask her if she would like to go to town and get one. She would always say, I probably shouldn’t, but once I pointed out that one wouldn’t kill her or add an extra pound she would quickly consent and we would be off! If we were both in a daring mood, we would grab a burger. Smith Brothers was the only place in town that had a burger with meat on it that she would eat with a smile on her face. Grandma also had an innate love for ice cream. I cannot count the times that I had to make her an ice cream cone or take her to town to get one. One day while staying with her, she had several within an hour or two, sorry Maxine, I promised I would never tell!! She loved to eat ice cream and no matter how full she was there was always room for this!

Grandma Layton had a gift for making those around her feel loved. She was never quite comfortable until all those around her were. If she felt someone was distressed in any way, she was quick to help them in any way she could. Grandma taught me the value of service. Growing up, there were many times that I would accompany her to peoples’ houses and we would give them dinner or clean their house for them. Often times she would ask me to help her make the meals or to make a batch of cookies for the neighbor. When we would visit she would have such a big smile on her face and was so good at making them feel loved and letting them know that she cared.

Education has always been extremely important to Grandma. She was a school teacher and instilled in me as a child, that learning is important. I always would find my grandmother reading. Whether it was a letter, book, newspaper, or her scriptures, she was always reading and learning. Every time I would go and visit her the first thing she would ask me was how school was and to remind me that it was important that I get my education. She always made sure that I had the means to go to school. She sacrificed many of her own needs and wants to enable me to be able to attend school. She relished in the academic achievements I achieved and got more excited about the A’s on my report card than I did! Seeing my grandmother’s passion for teaching played a huge role in me deciding to go into education and discovering my own passion for it. I will be forever grateful for that.

While I have many memories of my grandma there has always been one thing that has stood out. That is her love for me. It has never wavered only grown stronger as time moves on. Each time I would go to visit her, I would walk in and give her and hug and a kiss. She would always look me in the eye and tell me how much she loved me. She always made sure I knew that. Many times while sitting with her, she would say, “My beautiful granddaughter….and tell me how proud she was of me.” It never got old!! Maxine would often tell me that if I ever needed a compliment or to feel good about myself to come visit Grandma! It was true, and often when life got hard and overwhelming, I would go to her and she would make everything okay or at least bearable. Now that she is no longer here in the physical sense, I will have to remember the times we had together and to give the love that she gave me to those around me. That is the greatest thing she showed me. I will forever be in awe of her and she will always hold a special place in my heart.

Grandma had a poem hanging on her wall given to her by one of her grandchildren. After reading it, it sums up perfectly what she means to me. Its entitled,

Grandmother, Your Love Means So Much

Grandmother, your love does so much

To touch the hearts of all your loved ones.

You’re such a warm, loving person…

Someone who really cares about your family…

Someone who makes the happiness of others

Your happiness, too.

Your love means so much to me

You do so much to add meaning and joy

To the special times we share.

You have that certain quality

For making people feel good about themselves,

Sometimes by saying the right things

Or sometimes just by listening.

You’re a beautiful example for a grandchild to follow.

Your wonderful sense of humor does so much to lighten up

A not-so-wonderful day.

Just knowing that you’re always there,

Ready to help if you can,

Makes any problems seem easier to cope with.

You are a gently person

Who shares your wisdom and goodness.

You think of so many nice ways

To praise and encourage…

To show how much you care.

Grandmother, thank you for everything you’ve done

And, for all you do,

You’ll always mean so much.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why.

Hmmmm....some goals:

To attend all my sunday meetings for the month of July: I've gotten into the habit of leaving after sacrament meeting...not good!

Lose 1o pounds: newlywed...need I say more?!

Get a tan: tired of the whiteness

Register for school: I need to finish my bachelors

Go to temple at least once a week: why not, its literally a mile away!

Cook dinner: we eat out WAY too much!

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

I have several "people" that have influenced my life greatly. They all have come in differenct stages of my life and have greatly played a role in the person I am today. I love them all and feel so thankful for having had them in my life!

Miles taught me to love. And to be loved. Opening my heart to him has been the greatest gift in my life. He is a tender-hearted person who only wants the best for me and loves me no matter what I say or do. He is, for sure, the best thing in my life.

Julee and Gina

These two ladies are some of the most awesome people you will meet! Their friendship to me has changed my life. I have not always had the best life and consequently had a lot of anger, sadness, and loneliness. I felt of no worth and unliked, and many other negative feelings about myself. These two changed that. They taught me laughter, love, and most importantly the value of friendship. I will forever be indebted to them for changing me so much as a person and for the you girls!

Jenene and Walt
Jenene and Walt have been my "adopted" parents. They took me in as their daughter when my mother passed away, and never once, have I felt anything different. Since I was a tiny tot, they have supported me in all my various activities and have taught me so much, including the value of family! I would not be who I am today without them.

Grandma Layton
My Grandma Layton taught me the value of service. She was always serving those around her, and as a child, often brought me along. As she got older and unable to do things for herself, I was able to serve her and take care of her until her final days. Those are cherished times and I'm thankful each day for being blessed to have her as my Grandma.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 06- A hobby you have

I have a few hobbies, but the one that stands out the most is reading. I LOVE TO READ! Seriously, if there was a job were I could just read books, it would be my perfect job! Miles teases me because I ALWAYS have a book in my purse! I read every chance I get, no matter where the location. Yup, reading rocks my world!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Day 04- List 15 songs that represent your life’s soundtrack.

I would just like to say this was freaking hard! I don't think I probably picked all the right songs. But these songs have played a part in my life in one or the other. How significantly I don't know, but here I go:

1-"Be My Baby Tonight" John Michael Mongtgomery: my bought me a blizzard for being able to sing this whole song. Every time I hear it, I remember her and how she always challenged me to fun things!

2-"Monkey" Counting Crows: my first serious relationship, this boy dedicated this song to me. I owe a lot to him. He showed me that I could be loved for who I am and I will forever be grateful to him for that...and this song always reminds me of him and our many good times!

3-"Hold My Hand" Michael Jackson and Akon: Miles played this for me while we were dating...its exactly how we are...always holding hands no matter what the situation is. And when that hopeless feeling sets in for either of us, as soon as we are holding hands, we know it will be allright and we can make it through anything.

4-"Disney's Electrical Parade": This song gets me all sorts of happy! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Electrical Parade at Disneyland and the music makes it my own little heaven on earth. Seriously even now, when I hear the music I about die from pure happiness.

5-"Someone Like You" Adele: I went through a painful "breakup" with a boy I believed I would be with forever. This relationship, still to this day, is one of the hardest experiences of my life. This song explains how I feel about it and how much it hurt knowing I was not the one for him no matter how much I wanted to be.

6-"Born to Be My Baby" Bon Jovi: I LOVE bon jovi...been to his concerts at least 4 times and each show is pure fun! This is one of my favorites and gets me happy each time I hear it!

7-"All of Me" Jon Schmidt: I have a deep passion for piano. I LOVE to listen as well as play it. Everytime I hear Jon play, it ignites my love for the piano. Playing piano is a big part of my life, and I love it!

8-"Stand" Rascal Flatts: My theme song! From the first moment I heard this song, I believed it was written about me! "You mind bend till you break....on your knees you look up, decide you've had enough, you get mad, you get strong, wipe your hands, shake it off...then you stand."

9-"Up Around the Bend" CCR: reminds me of home, and the summers spent at Cluff Ponds and the river!

10-"You Are Loved" Josh Groban: This song reminds me when I feel overwhelmed, that I am loved and to not give it. It really brings me to tears almost everytime I hear it. Especially now that I have Miles who is my number one supporter and I know he loves me.

11-"She Thinks My Tractors Sexy" Kenny Chesney: without fail, reminds me of Thatcher where I grew up and especially high school and the memories made there! Even my senior year, we had shirts made that said this, "He thinks my tractor's sexy."

12-"Carol of the Bells" Mannheim Steamroller: this song reminds me so much of my sister and mom. We listened to this each Christmas and it makes warm fuzzies in my heart remembering those happy times of us three together!

13-"Take on Me" A-ha: each time I hear this song, it reminds me of my dear little brother Jake. He used to sing the high parts in the car. Each time, without fail, it would bring me to tears from laughing and would leave me in awe that a male can reach notes that high. And do it well!

14-"I Know That My Redeemer Lives" Hymns: This song gives me chills each time it is sung in a congregation. Its amazing how much strength and conviction people sing this song with, and what a testimony it is to me of what we believe as latter-day saints.

15-"Life Aint Always Beautiful" Gary Allan: soundtrack to my life. I've been through some really crappy situations in my life, and they sucked. Big time. But I have always been able to come out stronger, and better learned for them. I truly believe that Lord does not give us anything we cannot handle. I would not trade anything I have been through. Its made me who I am and taught me things that I would not otherwise have learned.

Day 03- A habit that you wish you didn’t have.

Lets see....

I have many habits but the one that sticks out a lot is my "bad" habit of drinking soda. I love the stuff. No matter how much people say I will lose weight if I stop, or the tummy aches it sometimes gives me, I love the brown poison and the happiness I incur with each sizzling swallow!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 02 A Picture of Something You Can Not Live Without

Day 01-Recent Picture of Yourself and 15 Interesting Facts About Yourself

May '11
15 "Interesting" facts about myself:
1. I am deathly afraid of real-life frogs..fake ones I think are, breathing ones, not so much.
2. My toes never NOT have polish on them.
3. I once had a toothpick stuck inside my foot.
4. Until I was married, no one in my family had the same last name as me: Meyer.
5. I used to wear glasses until I was 6 years old, then I had surgery on them (I was cross-eyed) and after that, I did not need them anymore.
6. I'm a little obsessed with cleaning.
7. I'm actually pretty musical, I just get embarassed to sing or play an instrument in front of people.
8. I can cook.
9. I cannot touch my toes. Never have been able to. This girl CANNOT bend.
10. I'm extremely insecure about how I look: face, hair, all.
11. I can eat more food than my husband.
12. I LOVE junk food...aka soda, french fries, hamburgers...
13. I'm passionate about working with kids but utterly TERRIFIED to have my own.
14. Intense fear that I will never be good enough. At anything.
15. I secretly like George Straight.


I've always been a nerd and have loved to answer surveys, questions about myself. Some may see that as conceited but I just love having to think a little harder and forcing myself to dig a little deeper to discover who I am. So when I saw this on Gina's blog, I knew I had to do it!
Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself.

Day 02- A picture of something you cannot live without.

Day 03- A habit that you wish you didn’t have.

Day 04- List 15 songs that represent your life’s soundtrack.

Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to.

Day 06- A hobby you have.

Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.

Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why.

Day 09- Something/someone you’re proud of.

Day 10- A story about a past relationship.

Day 11- A picture of something you dislike.

Day 12- A picture of your room & don’t cheat by cleaning it. Share a secret.

Day 13- Write a letter telling someone something you could never tell them.

Day 14- A picture of something you ate and 10 confessions.

Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle & share the first 10 songs that play.

Day 16- Something you could live without.

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why.

Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have.

Day 19- Nicknames you have & how or why you have them.

Day 20- If you had 3 wishes, what would they be.

Day 21- Share a picture from your day.

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else.

Day 23- What is something you crave.

Day 24- Share a story about your past that you are ashamed of.

Day 25- What I would find in your bag.

Day 26- Places you want to visit before you die.

Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge?

Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?

Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned.

Day 30- A picture of you today & 20 goals you want to accomplish.