Saturday, January 10, 2009

Uncle Art's Funeral

My Uncle Art Webster passed away in early December. He was a great man, and the last of a generation of Webster which included my Grandma Layton. He had a stroke about 10+years ago but it did not slow him or his wife down for a second! I admire both he and his wife and I am so graeful for their example of faith, endurance, and simple joy for the life around them. I wish I could write or express how amazing his funeral was. The spirit was there so strong and I learned so much more about what a simple, strong person he was on this earth. At the conclusion of the service, Aunt Elaine stood up and simply thanked everyone. She radiates love and I was deeply touched by the gratitude and love she has for her family and friends. I hope I can be like her someday, I really do.
The funeral service was in Mesa on a friday and the next day, the graveside was in central, AZ. He served in WWII so they had military honors. I always love when they do the guns and the trumpet solo. When the guns went off it nearly everyone jumped out of their shoes, but it was still touching, especially when they handed Aunt Elaine the flag.

Walt, Sarah, and Jake singing "Abide With Me, Tis Eventide"

After the service, we all went to Casa Manana and filled the whole back room!! It was a great time with great food. I loved seeing so much extended family and catching up. I was sad when the day was over!

Us trying to keep some eyes open for the cameral...shoulda gone on the other side

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