Saturday, January 17, 2009

Mix-Up at Work

I've officially had my first mix-up with kids. As in, I took the wrong child into my classroom! Granted they are twins and look VERY much alike. I will call them J1 and J2. J1 is my little one. I absolutely ADORE her. She is so so cute, tiny and so so quiet that its become my quest to get her to talk. From my first day at work, we've had a connection. She will only talk (one or two words) to me most of the time and I can get her to smile, laugh and I just LOVE the little one. Her sister, J2, is next door. Both girls are preemies and have had a nagging cold, so their Nina won't let them outside. So I do not see J2 much, this is my defense!!

Its morning time, early so my co-teacher isn't here yet. So I am by myself with four little ones trying to feed breakfast and keep the chaos to a minimum. J1 had finished and was taking her bib to the hamper in the bathroom. I was cleaning and helping another little friend finish his food. I asked two older children to help J1 open the door and put her bib in the right place. I knew they were playing in there and after several times of me asking them to shut the door (I couldn't leave what I was doing) I said very sternly to shut the door and turn off the light. The two looked at me with a look of total reluctance but okay I will do it since she told me too. During this time J1 had been playing in the kitchen so I figured it was fine. They shut the door, I clean up breakfast and we move on with our day.

Five to ten minutes later another teacher (and their Nina) comes in and is laughing so hard. She tells me I have J2 and not J1. Once I see J1 I realize that their shirts are different colors!! I felt so so embarassed and bad that I did not realize I had the wrong child!! The teacher said she walked into the bathroom and J1 was playing in the sink, IN THE DARK, with a look of what is going on!! We all (the whole center) got a great laugh and I don't think I will live it down.

I felt so bad and can't believe I did it. Mixed up a child...sheesh....

1 comment:

Julee said...

That is too funny!!! That would be hard to tell the difference...when I taught Pre-K there were identical twins, and only one was in mine, but sometimes in the hall when they were standing together I would get them confused and call them the wrong name and they would look at me funny. :) Good thing kids are so forgiving!! :)