Saturday, January 17, 2009

Powder Sugar Explosion

Ya'll know I LOVE muddy buddies.

Last night it backfired on me.

Powder sugar EVERYWHERE

Mostly on me.

These pictures do not do justice

Its okay

They were some of the best I've ever had!!

Mix-Up at Work

I've officially had my first mix-up with kids. As in, I took the wrong child into my classroom! Granted they are twins and look VERY much alike. I will call them J1 and J2. J1 is my little one. I absolutely ADORE her. She is so so cute, tiny and so so quiet that its become my quest to get her to talk. From my first day at work, we've had a connection. She will only talk (one or two words) to me most of the time and I can get her to smile, laugh and I just LOVE the little one. Her sister, J2, is next door. Both girls are preemies and have had a nagging cold, so their Nina won't let them outside. So I do not see J2 much, this is my defense!!

Its morning time, early so my co-teacher isn't here yet. So I am by myself with four little ones trying to feed breakfast and keep the chaos to a minimum. J1 had finished and was taking her bib to the hamper in the bathroom. I was cleaning and helping another little friend finish his food. I asked two older children to help J1 open the door and put her bib in the right place. I knew they were playing in there and after several times of me asking them to shut the door (I couldn't leave what I was doing) I said very sternly to shut the door and turn off the light. The two looked at me with a look of total reluctance but okay I will do it since she told me too. During this time J1 had been playing in the kitchen so I figured it was fine. They shut the door, I clean up breakfast and we move on with our day.

Five to ten minutes later another teacher (and their Nina) comes in and is laughing so hard. She tells me I have J2 and not J1. Once I see J1 I realize that their shirts are different colors!! I felt so so embarassed and bad that I did not realize I had the wrong child!! The teacher said she walked into the bathroom and J1 was playing in the sink, IN THE DARK, with a look of what is going on!! We all (the whole center) got a great laugh and I don't think I will live it down.

I felt so bad and can't believe I did it. Mixed up a child...sheesh....

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas and A Little Mountain Time

Christmas was wonderful!!! We all slept in super late....we had to wake Kavan up a little before 10 to open presents!!! We did our gifts. Jenene suprised me again this year! She bought me the Willow Figurine Nativity Scene! I was so shocked, I said shut up and I was reprimanded by my niece!! So Nene, that's two years in a row you've gotten me a gift that suprised me, in a good way! That afternoon, Jake, Chris, and Kliss came from mesa. We decided to go up on the mountain. The ride up was horrible. I thought Walt was going to drive off the mountain. We only stayed for thirty minutes. The weather was bad and it was extremely cold. We had a big 'ol snowball fight and tried sledding on a cardboard box. I should say I TRIED sledding. No one else but the little ones were interested. I think they were all frozen...pansies!

My sister calls this Dasha the Yeti....I have to agree...its pretty darn funny!!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we went to the Nicholas's and watched the Live Nativity. I am so glad I went. I struggled this christmas season trying to get into the spirit and enjoying the holiday. Ummm....I didn't start listening to christmas music till christmas eve on my way to work! It wasn't until I went to the nativity scene and when they showed the video of Mary and Joseph, that I really felt the spirit and had to hold back the tears. It was powerful and made me sad that it took me so late in the season to remember the real reason we celebrate christmas. Alas, it was fun and after the show, Jenene, Walt, Kavan, and I went and looked at a few christmas lights. Kavan was talking really really loud and was driving us all nuts. So in an effort of distraction, I busted out the old camera and we had a good time.

The Kiddos Tree

In an effort to save the big tree and discourage the breakage of ornaments, Jenene had the little ones make ornaments and hang them on a little tree that was only theirs. They could touch it, play with it, whatever, pretty much just stay away from the big tree!!! While it was fun and stuff, it didn't work. By christmas, the big tree, I think, had a nutcracker in it and maybe a stuffed penguin! Alas, the little ones did enjoy decorating the tree....Canyon was sick with the flu so it was only Rachel and Kavan and they did a GREAT job!!!

This is an ornament family...for some reason Rach kept hanging them on the SAME branch, then Kavan joined in...seriously they were all on this limb

I was trying to take a pic of us with the tree. It was kinda hard!! We started out side by side, eventually they laid on me, still didn't work!! We sure did have fun trying though!!! I just like the random face we are making in each one! Don't really look at me, I'd been home sick that day with the stomache flu and look paler than normal!

Take One

Take Two

Take Three

Uncle Art's Funeral

My Uncle Art Webster passed away in early December. He was a great man, and the last of a generation of Webster which included my Grandma Layton. He had a stroke about 10+years ago but it did not slow him or his wife down for a second! I admire both he and his wife and I am so graeful for their example of faith, endurance, and simple joy for the life around them. I wish I could write or express how amazing his funeral was. The spirit was there so strong and I learned so much more about what a simple, strong person he was on this earth. At the conclusion of the service, Aunt Elaine stood up and simply thanked everyone. She radiates love and I was deeply touched by the gratitude and love she has for her family and friends. I hope I can be like her someday, I really do.
The funeral service was in Mesa on a friday and the next day, the graveside was in central, AZ. He served in WWII so they had military honors. I always love when they do the guns and the trumpet solo. When the guns went off it nearly everyone jumped out of their shoes, but it was still touching, especially when they handed Aunt Elaine the flag.

Walt, Sarah, and Jake singing "Abide With Me, Tis Eventide"

After the service, we all went to Casa Manana and filled the whole back room!! It was a great time with great food. I loved seeing so much extended family and catching up. I was sad when the day was over!

Us trying to keep some eyes open for the cameral...shoulda gone on the other side