Sunday, March 15, 2009

That Time of Year!!!

Its spring training time!!! One of my favorite times of the year!! Trips to tucson, laying on the grass, watching baseball! Eating a hot dog, cold coke, DIPPIN'DOTS, and get a really bad sunburn, and thinking youre gonna die from the heat....sounds like the perfect day to me!!!

Anyone want to join me?!! Its a blast, fo' shizzle!!!


Marisa and Rob said...

How fun! :) I forgot that you liked that stuff :) I also forgot to wish you Happy Birthday last month, what a bad friend I am :( I'm forgetting everything these days!!! :( I hope your birthday was good! I hope to come home soon and see all of you

Julee said...

How fun!! We watch the cubs spring train sometimes in Tempe!! lol I love watching baseball when I am actually at the ballpark!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

Is that a current picture of you in front of the baseball stadium??? You look way young in it.

curtisdasha said...

The pic was from last year in march...I must have aged a lot in the past year;)