Sunday, April 5, 2009


My friend Nicole invited me to come with her and her daughter Brooke to the air show at luke air force base a few weeks ago (I can't remember the date). I went there not really expecting to enjoy it...I even carried my 700 page book in case I got bored!!! I ABSOLUTELY enjoyed it and highly recommend it. At the end of the day, Nicole told her husband (who was there with the boy scouts) that she wanted to make it a yearly thing. He said no thanks so we decided we will make it a girls trip next year!!!


1. The airplanes

2. Krispy Kremes

3. Watching Nicole spill maple syrup all over herself in a very precarious place

4. Randomnly seeing Kelsey in a ginourmous crowd of people

5. Getting my picture taken by an officer

6. Frozen Lemonade

7. The wicked sunburn I got and which has given me (I'm sure) a permanent farmers tan

8. Roadtripping with Nicole


Nicole said...

Thanks for sharing the syrup story with the world :) That was hilarious but made me so mad! It's moments like that when you realize you really can't get mad at little kids when they spill...I had fun too! I think we will be better prepared next year knowing what to expect and won't get so exhausted!

curtisdasha said...

ANYTIME friend!! You know I LOVE embarrasing the ones near and dear to my heart!!

We need to plan another roadtrip!

Julee said...

How fun!!! I have always wanted to go to an air show!!! Nicoles little girl is a little dolly! :) Did you take the pics? You are good!!! You need to be a professional!!!