Saturday, August 15, 2009


KEITH URBAN!!! Gina and I had the best time this night. It was exactly what we needed and it could not have been funner. We got to see Mr. Hotness himself put on an awesome show. He even had a stage in the back and performed there for awhile so everyone had a great view. Keith also had an amazing LIGHT UP guitar that left us all in awe and wanting one. I swear I can turn my GH into one with some christmas lights and a drill. Anyway, we had a blast and did not want the night to end!

Gina and I waiting for Keith

There he is!! I hate my camera it makes him looker farther away than he really was

Keith and all his hotness....There was a stupid black chimney thing hanging from the ceiling in front of the screens that kept getting in all the shots, made me mad!

I love a man that plays guitar!

So stinkin' excited!

Our awesome feet

This guitar was AWESOME!!! It lit up! It was prob one of the coolest things I've ever seen...I will try and post the video I have of it

Dancin' and have a good time!

Nearin' the end...

Keith talked about the hard times we are all facing and ended the show with "Better Life"

The fun...the usher man took this for us before he kicked us out!

We decided last minute to buy tshirts....I can't remember a concert were I didn't buy one and Gina's had a huge map on the back so she had to buy it (geography major)!



Sunday, August 9, 2009

Gina's Graduation Party

Gina graduated from ASU in May and to celebrate, we had a bowling/guitar hero party. It was way fun and we all had a good time....


Back in May, we went and saw Flight of the Conchords live. Holy cow. It was fun, a little dirty but still a good ended up being Scott, Gina, and myself. Gina bought her ticket off Craig's List that day so she had WAY better seats than us. Scott and I were literally in the last row in the highest section and Gina was three rows from the front (I think). Scott had never seen them before, he maybe youtubed them before coming so it was fun seeing him react to their songs. It was so funny after the show. We were in the parking garage waiting to leave ina huge line Gina jumped out of Scott's car to go see her sister real quick. We suddenly starting moving pretty fast. I tried getting Gina's attention but since I have the world's quietest voice, it didn't work. We are going down the levels, and Scott tells me he thinks he hears someone yelling, "Stop!" I told him he was crazy and we kept going. We finally stop and we hear this super loud sound of someone's flip flops hitting the cement. We look back and I start laughing SO HARD. It was Gina running like crazy yelling at was so ubelievably funny watching her! I felt super bad but luckily she has a good sense of humor and didn't mind the uncontrollable laughing I did for prob the next twenty minutes...wish I would have caught it on tape, it seriously was funny:)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Cali Trip with Good 'ol Jeanetta!

We got to Cali around 1-ish in the afternoon
and immediately hit the park. After walking what seemed like hours from our hotel, we made it!! We immediately hit Space Mountain and when I took the pic from the ride my flash wouldn't work...hence the crappy picture! I love that ride. I really could ride it all day....wait, I did!

Jeanetta loves (love is an understatement) the Tower of Terror. After the first three times, I finally started to like it and by our last time I was a fan too!!! I don't know what it is, but every time I go on the ride, the creepy worker man always picks on me. This time he hid behind people waiting in line and just stared at me or would stand behind me and literally make my heart stop out of the creeps....for reals it weirded me out!!!

I think every ride we went on either broke down right before, while we were on it, or as soon as we got off. While on Indiana Jones, it was mostly in the dark. I kept thinking, this is new...when I got off there was NO ONE in the lines....stupid me took a moment to realize it was BROKEN!!! We discovered single rider passes too and you pretty much spend ZERO time in line. Genius if you ask me! We were able to ride a ton more this way.

Jeanetta also introduced me to watching shows. I'm kind of an adrenaline junky and don't want to bother with them. This time around it was genius. I've been having some health problems and it was so great to sit and enjoy stuff. My favorite was Talk Time with Crush or something like that. Seriously some funny stuff. Jeanetta got called on and he called her Jamaican Jeanetta and teased her for chewing gum...priceless!!!


#10 Staying in a hotel a block away from Disneyland....FREE PARKING!

#9 The Mexican place I found in Cali freakin' good!

#8 Jeanetta feeding all the homeless people we saw at Jack in the Box

#7 Freaky man on Tower of Terror

#6 Talk Time with Crush or whatever the heck you call it

#5 Somehow getting stuck behind Mickey Mouse and the crowd of people....seriously I was just sitting there then BAM! Mickey right in front of me and people glaring at me like Id cut them in line and then trying to get away from it...craziness is all I gotta say

#4 Riding Space Mountain 4 times (at least, who keeps count)

#3 Churros....yummy

#2 Oriental lady next to me during a Bugs Life yelling..."It Farted....It Farted!!!" So so funny

#1 Riding the Toy Story ride were you are at an arcade place....can't remember what its called....I creamed Jeanetta everytime and she owes me about 6 the best best ride at the park.....Its also in 3d and just gotta ride it to understand my joy!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Countdown to Cali

I am going to Cali next week with a friend and I couldn't be more excited!!! To make me even more pumped, I am going to TRY and post a memory or fav of disneyland each day till the big day. Wish me luck. I am yet again sick with a sinus infection and its making it hard to do anything!

Julee is probably the best person to go to disneyland with. We had SO MUCH fun and her enthusiasm was contagious. This pic was taken at the end of our LONG day. We were soaking wet, it was freezing outside and we were about to watch The Electrical Parade, which is the best thing EVER at disneyland, I will save that for another post!! Anyways, I love this girl and I love her even more at disneyland!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I just really like this video and apostle...he may be my new favorite!!


My friend Nicole invited me to come with her and her daughter Brooke to the air show at luke air force base a few weeks ago (I can't remember the date). I went there not really expecting to enjoy it...I even carried my 700 page book in case I got bored!!! I ABSOLUTELY enjoyed it and highly recommend it. At the end of the day, Nicole told her husband (who was there with the boy scouts) that she wanted to make it a yearly thing. He said no thanks so we decided we will make it a girls trip next year!!!


1. The airplanes

2. Krispy Kremes

3. Watching Nicole spill maple syrup all over herself in a very precarious place

4. Randomnly seeing Kelsey in a ginourmous crowd of people

5. Getting my picture taken by an officer

6. Frozen Lemonade

7. The wicked sunburn I got and which has given me (I'm sure) a permanent farmers tan

8. Roadtripping with Nicole

Sunday, March 15, 2009

That Time of Year!!!

Its spring training time!!! One of my favorite times of the year!! Trips to tucson, laying on the grass, watching baseball! Eating a hot dog, cold coke, DIPPIN'DOTS, and get a really bad sunburn, and thinking youre gonna die from the heat....sounds like the perfect day to me!!!

Anyone want to join me?!! Its a blast, fo' shizzle!!!

Someone, Please, Remove These Cuttlerys From My Knees!

This is one of my favorite Flight of the Conchord's song....enjoy!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dasha's Summer Concert Series

Just thought Id share some of my excitement! These both arrived in the mail the other day and to say I'm excited is an understatement!!!

Keith Urban and Flight of the Conchords Baby!!!

This video is from the last Keith Urban concert I went to (this will be my third)....please ignore the shaking, I was super excited as well as the screaming and singing from all of us, we couldn't help ourselves!!!

As for Flight of the Conchords, not a lot of people recognize them but I absolutely LOVE them!! It takes a certain type of humor and intellect to get them, and I will forever be grateful to Gina for introducing me to them....we've spent many a night watching them and sharing our joy with others!

Don't Eat Burritos in the Car

Last saturday, I was driving home eating a burrito from taco bell and talking on the phone. As I was turning, the beans spilled all over my hands. I was freakin' out trying to prevent them from getting all over my car. I made a wide turn onto dusty trail and the whole way home I was trying to prevent the spreadage of beans all over myself and the car. When I pulled up to my house, I spent a good minute cleaning beans. When I was satisfied, I looked in my review mirror and saw lights! I looked again and sure enough, it was a sheriff truck. I rolled down my window and he came over. He asked if I was okay and I said yeah but I spilt beans everywhere and even showed him my taco bell bag!! He starts to laugh and says that he thought I was a drunk driver and that it was a little early for a DUI! I told him I didn't know he was there and he had scared me, he said he had noticed! Luckily, he had a great sense of humor and didn't even give so much as a warning....I learned my lesson, don't eat bean burros in the car!

Hey there Darlin', hope I didn't dent your do...

Last week, a friend and I had our hair done. She went short and I just had a some color put in as well as some more layers....nothing too drastic. I was torn between keeping the length or going shorter. For now, the length is fine but I'm sure by summer it will be short. I just don't feel attractive with longer hair. Anyways, here is my new do!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A New Kinda In-Soles?!

This is my nephew Kavan's ingenuity....

Smart Kid!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Was Tagged!!!

Here are the rules:
Go to your documents/pictures
Click on the 6th file
Click on the 6th picture
Blog about it
Tag 6 people

This was a few concerts ago....I was living in Thatcher and drove up with Jenene. We met Gina and her sister and rocked out all night....I had bronchitis or some sort of nasty broncial thing so everytime I sang I coughed up a lung but it was still fun. Really entertaining to see Jenene and Gina's sister get into it...really really funny but awesome:) On the way home was the first time I got a speeding ticket...stupid cameras!

I tag:







Saturday, January 17, 2009

Powder Sugar Explosion

Ya'll know I LOVE muddy buddies.

Last night it backfired on me.

Powder sugar EVERYWHERE

Mostly on me.

These pictures do not do justice

Its okay

They were some of the best I've ever had!!