Sunday, August 9, 2009


Back in May, we went and saw Flight of the Conchords live. Holy cow. It was fun, a little dirty but still a good ended up being Scott, Gina, and myself. Gina bought her ticket off Craig's List that day so she had WAY better seats than us. Scott and I were literally in the last row in the highest section and Gina was three rows from the front (I think). Scott had never seen them before, he maybe youtubed them before coming so it was fun seeing him react to their songs. It was so funny after the show. We were in the parking garage waiting to leave ina huge line Gina jumped out of Scott's car to go see her sister real quick. We suddenly starting moving pretty fast. I tried getting Gina's attention but since I have the world's quietest voice, it didn't work. We are going down the levels, and Scott tells me he thinks he hears someone yelling, "Stop!" I told him he was crazy and we kept going. We finally stop and we hear this super loud sound of someone's flip flops hitting the cement. We look back and I start laughing SO HARD. It was Gina running like crazy yelling at was so ubelievably funny watching her! I felt super bad but luckily she has a good sense of humor and didn't mind the uncontrollable laughing I did for prob the next twenty minutes...wish I would have caught it on tape, it seriously was funny:)


Julee said...

How fun!!

ginalenore said...

Dude. I TOTALLY forgot about that! That's amazing...thanks for posting this! P.S. I was way further than three rows from the front...oh, unless you count the front of the section. Ha ha! Yay for being blog buddies! :)