Sunday, November 16, 2008

Grateful Sunday

Its a little hard to be grateful at the moment!! I have some sort of bronchial issue going on so I have no voice and a very sore throat!! But other than feeling a little under the weather, I am grateful for a few things!!!


In high school, and for a year at EAC, I had some major back issues. Its always been there but since I hate the chiropractor, I tend to ignore it, or at least until I can hardly walk and have to go in! Earlier this year, I started going to my cousin Dennis, and he opened my eyes to a better, healthy back, and made me realize how much better you can feel!! Anyways, this last week, my back was (and still is) really bad. I missed a few days of work and actually had a migraine headache. Not fun. I am grateful for a chiropractor in Thatcher who is helping me get back into fighting form and seems to really care that I get better. I woke up Saturday feeling so good that I went and played raquetball and went walking. Needless to say, I was an eager beaver and will be going back to chiropractor tomorrow:)


I withdrew from school this semester. My health hasn't been superb and it was interferring with doing my clinicals. After talking to my teacher, she suggested I get it taken care of now before I am way into the nursing program. It was an extremely hard decision which compounded some other problems, but now I am seeing the light and know it will all work out. As a consequence of dropping out, I had a HUGE amount of grant money that I was given (were talking thousands of dollars). I was worried I would have to pay it all back. Thankfully, EAC is only making me pay back $350 and pay for next semester's classes on my own, which is completely doable. So yeah, I am extremely blessed in that regard!


Yeah for not suffocating from the heat wave everytime you walk out the door. I know I will love the cooler weather in Thatcher, after enduring the Mesa heat for awhile. I am so excited to actually have to wear a jacket and sleep with more than a sheet at night!! WAHOO!!


Rushele said...

I, too am grateful for the cooling weather! I love this time of year and wish that I had the $$$ to enjoy it in California, or someother state that isn't death in the summer!!!

Julee said...

What good blessings!! We should get together even if it's for a bit this week!! We are going Thursday and probably heading home Saturday sometime. CALL ME GIRL or I'LL CALL YOU!!! lol