Saturday, November 8, 2008


My trip last weekend to Mesa, to celebrate Halloween was, for the most part, a complete bust! That morning, my stomache area started to hurt really bad. Not a sick hurt but a painful, extremely uncomfortable hurt. It was hard to breath and it made it hard to eat, or enjoy anything for the most part. So instead of staying the whole weekend, I went home saturday morning and wasted tons of money on gas. BUT. I did have fun that night getting free chipotle, going to Paul's halloween party, and staying up late catching up with old friends. Plus, I did get to hit up Target for a bit which I loved so much!!!

Here is the happy girls getting ready to eat!!!!

I was really excited, so happy, I wanted to do the "Happy Dance!"

Here I am in my getup!! The workers seemed pretty amused by it. They all laughed when I walked in. I don't think it was that funny but they sure did!! This year, all the workers had foil on and handed out foil to all the customers who weren't wearing any. It was pretty awesome. My favorite was a guy dressed like a dragon or devil, but he had a tail. Pretty awesome, should have taken a picture!!

Dan as an Emo Guy ( I thought he was a Newsie), Gina, Me, and Merilee as the chick from Star Wars (can't remember her name)

Happy Halloween!!!

Next year, I'm going all out! I want to do a fun costume and get really dressed up!! I do love my bowling ball, though. Watching Gina put hers on was hilarious. She literally stood in front of the mirror and kept laughing at herself. I told her when we are old ladies, we will have to whip these babies out!! Its seriously the most comfortable costume I've ever had!!


Marisa and Rob said...

Love the pictures!!! Looks like you guys had a BLAST!!! :)

Rushele said...

Star Wars chick is Princess Laya.
And I love the re-used bowling ball and pin costumes! Very cute!!
Sorry you weren't feeling well, hopefully that'll all be history soon!!!!!

Julee said...

Cute costumes!! How fun!!!!!!!! :) You all look so cute!! I love Merilee's Princess Laya too...she really does look like her!! :) Glad you had fun!!

Julee said...

P.S. That is such a bummer that you were sick and had to go home after such a short time!!!! I hope you figure this out soon!!! :) Love ya girl!!