Sunday, November 9, 2008

Grateful Sunday

Yo Yo Yo. Another full week and much to be grateful for!!! Here we go....

(aka Kavan)

This guy is seriously a light in my life. He is so stinkin' hilarious!!! He has a smile that brightens up a room and a killer sense of humor. The other day he came into the kitchen and I handed him a piece of cheese. He started laughing so hard and I didn' say anything....the little man was laughing so hard he had tears in his eyes, and it lasted a good few minutes. Often we make faces at each other and it cracks us both us!!! I love teaching him new things, like crossing his eyes and sticking his nostrils together, you know, the important things in life. My favorite line to date from him was when he was stung by a scorpion. He kept telling everyone he was stung by a crab!! The kid is awesome and everyone who meets him, instantly falls in love! I like to think I'm his favorite and it goes both ways, he is one of my favorites too!

It seems like everyone is posting about this. Seeing that I haven't gone through the temple yet, its kinda weird to say I am grateful for these. But I am. It gives me a sense of hope, a goal to work towards, an ideal or expectation to myself so I can be worthy to go through. I have seen people in my life who uphold their standards and enjoy the blessing of this place. I see the joy and testimony they have. I also see people in my life who have chosen to not uphold these covenants and I see the sorrow and dissapointments they experience in their life. I want to be worthy and experience the peace that is found inside!! I have felt it on the temple grounds and its wonderful but I can only imagine what its like inside. I am thankful we are able to have these on earth today and that one will be built so close to home! I miss going to the mesa temple and it will be great to have one here!

Ummmm...hello! First paycheck in 6 months, wouldn't you be excited!!

(the band)
I love this band. Their music always puts me in a great mood!! Not too mention one of my favorite songs to play on guitar hero is When You Were Young and just happens to be one of my favs. I can't wait for their new album at the end of the month!

Recently, I have rediscovered my back problems. Its been extremely unpleasant. Since I hate to pay to see a chiropractor (Dennis, my cousin, pops family for free) I usually wait until I cannot walk to go. So a hot bath is my saving grace. I took at least three today and will probably have to take many more till I'm all healed up. Telling you, add some epsom salt and its pure bliss.

and it felt wonderful and I loved wearing my sticker and having all the kids in my classroom be jealous of it!


Marisa and Rob said...

Dasha I just love your blog!!! It alway's makes me smile and laugh!! I can so see you jump like that with your pay check!!!:)

Rushele said...

That is a lot to be thankful for on one Sunday, but it is awesome!!
I, too am thankful for temples! And I need to get my lazy buns there more often.
I'd have to say that Kavan is a cutie, I don't know him, but he sounds like a lot of fun!

Jamie said...

Amen, cousin! Temples, hot baths, and Killers--YAY! I am glad to have found your blog over here. I need to add it to my family link list when my dashboard is working properly! Take care! XOXO