Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A Belated Grateful Sunday Post

Okay, I wasn't going to do one this week. Just because it was late and I have been feeling super unwell the last four-five days. But this news is just too good to pass up! Its made me really appreciate and become aware of the Lord's hand in my life. It woke me up, and made me realize that he does HEAR and does ANSWER my prayers. For some reason, I have been unaware of all the GOOD in my life! I am so thankful for the gospel and the peace it brings into my life. How lucky are we to have the gospel and the peace it brings. Anyways, the whole reason for this "new" perspective is....drum roll please....I WAS APPROVED FOR ACCHSS (however you spell it)!!!!! This means I can go to the drs and start getting the help I need to get well again. Gosh, just the thought of feeling good and having energy again is almost unimaginable!! WAHOOO!!! So I've been praying, fasting SO HARD that this would happen. Especially lately, its been so hard to function and work and try to be happy. So this is truly a great blessing. I am so so happy and tomorrow I'm heading to the doc and making a few other phone calls. So HERE I COME GOOD HEALTH!!!!


Rushele said...

I am so glad that you are on your way to feeling better!!
Let me know how you're doing, and if you need anything!
Love ya!!

Jonathan and Sarah said...

I am so happy for you! Isn't it cool when you come to this little spot in your life when you do just start seeing all the small blessings in your life that you hadn't noticed before. It makes you feel good. YAY FOR HEALTH CARE!

Julee said...

Yeah!!! That is soooooo exciting!!! I hope you get in soon!!!!!!!!! What a blessing!!!!!!!! :)