Thursday, July 12, 2012

POOL GLaDIaTor 2012

For fun, we (I should day the boys since they did make it, although I had the idea) decided to set up a board over the pool and play "Gladiator" and try to knock each other off with sticks! We used PVC (is that what its called?) and wrapped it with bubble wrap.  It was fine until you started hitting each other, the bubbles POPPED and when you got hit it HURT! So we moved to pool noodles (lame) and eventually wrestling!  Def worth the time and effort and a new favorite game for the pool!

 The first round.Don't know what they are in for...hence the smiles!
 Miles makes his move
Having fun!
 After Jess getting hammered in the knee by the stick, boys decided to wrestle
 Miles FINALLY gets knocked off ( I seriously have 20 pictures of him knocking everyone else off)!!!
"Big Man" floating in the pool!
Mr. J chillin' out
  Miss J gettin' ready to knock Grandpa off!
 Getting some tips from Dad before wrestling him!
 Holding hands is fun.
 Mr. J showing off his big guns and knocking Grandpa right off....ol' man didn't stand a chance!
 Right before this Jess was talking about how he has told his kids to plug their nose so much that he does it.  Next picture I take of him is this...too funny!
 Miles and his front flip that seems more like an elaborate shoulder roll!
 Jess doing his back flip..freaked his mom
 "Big Man" versus Miles.
BM won!
 Jess and Mr. J
 Moved onto catching the football that is thrown from across the pool
 Miles's turn
 Miles seriously LOVED this board...
Miss J jumping off!

We seriously had SO MUCH FUN! I just wish I was in better shape for it....I had seen a lady the day before and had some "stuff" done to my back and wasn't suppose to do anything physical for a few days.  Well, I did a few rounds with the sticks on the board and thought I was in the clear....until I went to swim across the pool..holy pain!  Definitely learned my lesson, LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR!  But it was really fun watching the boys go at it and especially the wipeouts.  Good times.

A few funny videos...
And please ignore my obnoxious laugh!

FUNNIEST thing watching "Big Man" fall in!

1 comment:

ginalenore said...

Oh yeah dude. I did that once, you have to cover those sticks in crazy amounts of foam before it's doable! Super fun though! Even though I sucked! Ha ha!