Tuesday, July 24, 2012

24th of July

This year, the Pioneer Celebration was in Pima.  As we live in Pima, we weren't able to avoid it (inside joke) so we went, and SO GLAD we did!  At the last minute, Miles's parents, brother Jess, and his two kids came and parked their little bodies by our apt to watch the parade.  My Aunt Maxine came to and we had a great time!  Miles's dad bought Pima (or Taylor) Freeze for us so we were lovin' life munchin on good food and watching all the people go by...the kiddos got to pick up some candy too, so there life was pretty much complete!

After the parade, everyone came inside and we proceeded to feed them all the Blue Bell ice cream their bellies could hold!  We also showed Miles's dad, the tv show, "The IT Crowd."  Good times...and it was fun just to visit and watch the kids torture the cat...lol.

We then went to the football field to get our pie on and eat some bbq while watching the pageant.  All I can say is wow.  They did an AMAZING job!  The singing was spectacular and the spirit was so strong...really renewed my testimony and admiration and appreciation for our pioneers...what amazing and faithful people!  I loved the arrangement they sang of "Come Thou Fount" as it was done acapella and by women...so beautiful, and what added to that beauty was my lovely hubby AND Walt singing next to me..lol!  At the end of the show, they sang, "Come, Come Ye Saints."  This song GETS ME EVERY TIME.  Wow.  They asked the audience to join in for the final verse...of course the power went out but the whole audience did not miss a beat.  Wow again.  I had to stop singing I was so choked up.  As soon as the song was over, the fireworks began...and holy moly, they were AWESOME! Right over your head...so so cool.  Miles and I laughed at ourselves because we caught ourselves oohing and ahhing with the best of them:)

After the show, we ran onto the field so I could see my bestie, Julee Dorr.  Now, to say I love this girl is an understatement.  This woman has changed my life.  Her friendship came at a time when it was desperately needed.  She taught me to be comfortable with myself, to laugh, to be goofy, and that its okay to love the gospel! Many of my best memories are with her.  I love, love, love this girl and she will always hold a special place in my heart!!!  

Funny story....right before we took this, her baby spit up on her other daughter's hair.  It seriously looked like a bird had pooped in her hair....SO FUNNY!!!

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