Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was a weird, wacky day.  The weather was nuts.  One moment it was freezing, rainy, and just plain horrible.  Then the sun would come out, no clouds, and it would be really warm.  Then it would go back to stormy!  Before vday, Miles and I had decided to not do anything for the day.  Well, he knocked on the door that afternoon and had a bunch of balloons, flowers, and 2 Toblerone bars! It was very sweet of him:)  I love Miles and I am so thankful to share this day of love with him!
Some of the decorations in our apt....the only one the cat couldn't reach!
The beautiful flowers Miles surprised me with!
We tied the balloon to her collar.  She did not know what to do with it on and would not move an inch!
The awesome clock Miles got me as a V-Day gift/Birthday Present!

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