Tuesday, April 24, 2012

oh miles

I love my husband.  I really do.  And these are a few of the reasons why I love him:

He has the most spectacular bed head of any one I know!  Each day is an adventure of suspense and wonderment of what he will present me with each morning we wake up.  Here are a few examples:

Miles sleeps HARD.  Sometimes he wakes up with the most INTENSE indentions on his face.  Case in point:

Miles also likes to play with the cat.  Like he plays with her until she either hisses, bites, growls, or scratch.  Scratch things like his eye.  Did this stop him?!  Nope. And trust me.  This picture does not do it justice.  That sucker was RED.
Miles also likes to eat.  And by eat, I mean inhale his food.  I'm kind of a neat freak and when he eats, the last thing he cares about is food on his face (except when were in public).  Especially when its something sweet.
Love you baby:)

Cupcake Challenge

Walt, at sunday dinner, issued a challenge.  Whether we could stuff a WHOLE cupcake in our mouth.  We took it.  And conquered.

The Ear-less Mouse

Our cat is an interesting little fella.  She has two loves in her life.  One is her ping pong balls.  She plays with them  FOR HOURS and nothing gets her more excited.  The second is her toy mice.  We have bought this cat NUMEROUS toys, some more expensive than others.  But, alas, she LOVES her mice from the dollar store.  That's right!  Out of EVERYTHING she loves the cheap stuff, me and this cat were meant to be!!! But since they are cheap they do not last.  This is the latest casualty of her intense play:

Poor mouse did not even last an hour.  She did, however enjoy the endless amounts of fluff that came out of the hole.  I, on the other hand, did not!!!
But how can you not love a cate that is so cute, and fun, and who always sleeps like this:
She is a keeper for sure:)

Kitty in the sink

One day, Ollie just decided she wanted to hang out in the sink while I was getting ready...it became a regular thing...thought it was cute so I had to take some pictures!

Four-Wheeling in the MUD!

We had rain for a few days and the river was flowing pretty good.  We got our favorite riding buddies, Liz and Landon, to come with us.  It was SO SO SO FUN!!! We got completely covered in mud!! I wore a hat, but Liz did not and the amount of mud in her hair was kind of gross and looked like dreads...lol....we rinsed off a few times in the river but it was pretty nuts how muddy we got....definitely worth the hour-long shower after!!!

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day was a weird, wacky day.  The weather was nuts.  One moment it was freezing, rainy, and just plain horrible.  Then the sun would come out, no clouds, and it would be really warm.  Then it would go back to stormy!  Before vday, Miles and I had decided to not do anything for the day.  Well, he knocked on the door that afternoon and had a bunch of balloons, flowers, and 2 Toblerone bars! It was very sweet of him:)  I love Miles and I am so thankful to share this day of love with him!
Some of the decorations in our apt....the only one the cat couldn't reach!
The beautiful flowers Miles surprised me with!
We tied the balloon to her collar.  She did not know what to do with it on and would not move an inch!
The awesome clock Miles got me as a V-Day gift/Birthday Present!

Four-wheelers in the SNoW!!!

In January, we loaded up the four-wheeler, grabbed some wood and hot dogs, and headed up to Mt. Graham with our friends, Liz and Landon.  We had to go all the way up to Twilight because there was no snow.  And even the snow up there was more ice than anything.  BUT we hooked up a rope and sled to the back of one of them and rode on.  It was SO FUN! Definitely got an arm workout and had some pretty spectacular wipeouts!! Miles and I tried to rid together at the end, and we got pretty soaked.  There are some great videos that I will try and post later.  After riding for awhile, we built a fire, roasted some hot dogs and warmed up! It was a great day in the snow, for sure!