Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Girl Meets Boy

I met Miles Curtis in October, 2010. A coworker of mine set us up on a blind date. From the moment she talked to me about a possible date, it felt right. She did not even have to persuade me too much which is rare for me. After Miles and I facebooked each other and had several text and phone conversations, we finally went on our first date. I honestly don't remember much except that he was wearing dress shoes with jeans (I thought that was weird) and driving a HUGE truck! I swear it looked like a semi in the dark! Miles tells me often that what he remembers from that night was that I had a glow. A lightness that drew him to me and how comfortable it was for him to talk to me. I do remember going home that night and being so excited to actually like a boy and definitely wanting to see him again. Long story short, within a week we were exclusive and about a month later, engaged. Miles has been an enormous blessing in my life. I cannot remember life without him. He was made for me and I was made for him. Miles has brought a love into my life that I believed would never happen and a sense of security that I have never felt in my life. I love him more each day and am eternally grateful that he chose me to be his wife.


Jonathan and Sarah said...

Awww, love this. :)

Wendy said...

Hurray! You've updated! Love this post and your Blog Header!