Wednesday, June 29, 2011

She Said YES!

Miles proposed on a friday night. I cannot remember the date to save my life and I have been extremely bad about writing things down, so it may forever stay a mystery! I do remember I had been sick that day and did not really want to do anything too active that night. So we decided to rent some movies and get dinner. The movie we watched was Marley and Me. If anyone has seen this movie and you are an animal lover, you pretty much bawl at the end of the movie! At the end, Miles was teary-eyed and I was in a semi-coma state laying my head on his chest wiping my eyes. He suddenly got up and went into the other room which I thought was kind of mean since I was sick and in tears! When he came back, he started rambling about a conversation he had with a lady at the store. She had told him how one did not need a ring to propose. SIDE NOTE: At this point in our relationship, we had decided we wanted to get married, it was just a matter of picking a ring and officially telling people. I had no clue what kind of ring I wanted except it had to sparkle and after many failed attempts at looking, it seemed like the proposal would never happen! I was only half-listening to Miles (yes I feel bad now!) until he said, "Dasha, will you marry me?" He then proceeded to pull out his CTR ring (from his mission) out of his pocket. I shot up and instantly had a huge smile on my face. He said some lovely things that honestly I cannot remember. I was just thinking, "this is it, this is it!" and silently freaking out inside, but in a good way! Miles apologized for not having a ring but asked me to wear his on a chain until we got my ring. It was an amazing moment to really know I was going to marry him and to make it official! The next day, I was in a happy daze and really wanting to tell people but thought I had to have my ring to tell everyone...I was so happy when Miles said it was official and I could tell whoever I wanted, and boy did I ever!

A few days before Christmas, we took an impromptu drive to phoenix and bought my ring. We literally left Thatcher at 630 in the evening, arrived at the jewelers at 9 and walked out with my ring at 1030 and drove home all in the same night. Once we got back to my apartment, Miles got down on one knee and proposed this time with MY RING! I made fun of him at the time, but now I'm so glad he did it that way. And now I actually remembered this time what he said, but that's only for me and him;)! It was the perfect Christmas present finally having my ring and more importantly Miles as my soon-to-be-husband!

1 comment:

Julee said...

I think he asked you officially on the 17th if it was a Friday, because you told me the 18th which was a Saturday!!! lol I HAVE KEPT THE TEXT ALL THIS TIME...because it made me sooooo happy for you!!!!! Am I a nerd or what!!!?? lol