Monday, May 31, 2010

WeeK TWo!!!

Yet another week has passed here in good 'ol Jackson! Time really is flying by. I'm okay with that yet the urgency to do all I want to do here is getting stronger. My roommates and I plan to make a GIANT list of every single thing we want to do and mark them off. I'm uber excited about this and cannot wait to get started. If only the stinkin' weather would cooperate! Its been raining everyday and freezing cold! I decided to start jogging this week. LOL. I make myself laugh just writing that! I'm determined to get fit though. I've already lost a bit of weight and want to lose a total of thirty plus pounds. Well see! ANYWAYS! I doubt people want to hear about my "lifestyle" whoas!

This past week at work has been extremely crazy. Memorial weekend is huge for our store and a big deal. So we had tons of prep, and overtime was definitely worked. I'm slowly getting more comfortable in the store and starting to enjoy talking with customers! I actually met a man from Duncan and enjoyed a pleasant extended conversation with him but stupid me didn't get his name! Nicole, he knows the Duncan is full of them but still. He is from Arizona! That makes my heart happy:)

Jamie Melin (Post) and her family came and visited me saturday afternoon. Oh the excitement! I was so happy to see family! I prob hugged the poor girl ten times! They live in Montana and I am hoping to visit them sometime while I am here. My Uncle Jim is also nearby and I look forward to visiting with him! And don't mind the tired grubby looking me. And the stupid apron. We have to wear them now. Lucky me!

Also this weekend, Wendy had two friends come into town. One of the girls Annie recieved her mission call! She is going to Argentina. It was so fun to be a part of it. I loved hanging out and working with Annie and Allison. They are great girls and so much fun! We had a guitar hero party last night....watched a Goofy Movie, ate ice cream cookies, and Karli made the most amazing chicken pot pie. Holy heaven it was good! That girl can cook!!!

As for wildlife. I seriously almost hit the biggest wolf! It was beautiful but scared the living crap out of me! Our local moose has been out and about with her two babies. The little ones are starting to look more like moose and less like aliens....last night Wendy and I took a late drive through Teton Park and saw several herds of elk. SO AWESOME!!!!! It was crazy how many they were. And kinda spooky with their glowy eyes but pretty nonetheless!

Well, I honestly have nothing really to talk about! I will soon though. Guarantee it!

Peace out.


Jonathan and Sarah said...

I love reading your posts! It sounds like you really are having such a fun adventure. Thanks for keeping us updated. I think I remember you saying that Karli Flake is the one living with you right? She used to work with Jonathan and we love her. Tell her hi! I think your apron is cute. I'll take it when you get back :)

Rushele said...

Your posts about all the cool wildlife and the fun things you're doing makes me SOOO jealous! I wanna go there and play with you!!! I'm so glad you're having fun!

Unknown said...

Well, looks(or sounds) like you are having a lot of fun! Glad to hear that! My mouth is watering from the talk of chicken pot pie!!! Yummy!!!