Monday, May 24, 2010

FiRSt WeEk!!!!

So I survived my first week in Jackson. Let me tell you. The first two days, were AWFUL! I fully did not expect to get homesick. But I did and it hit me HARD!! Sunday I was a mess. Completely started to cry at the drop of a needle. Plus I was sick that day and my roommates were gone the whole day which made me even sadder and lonley. Luckily I was remedied with some homemade strawberry shortcake that night and life became suddenly happier!

Work is an adjustment. This last week, I have learned that sales/customer service is not my thing. The cash register scares me and so do some of the customers;) I am learning though and when I am overwhelmed, I remember that this is just a small chapter of my life that will quickly pass and be a memory. Ultimately I do like work. I hate saying it so early in the game but I do work with some wonderful people. We have four retired "older" couples who work the weekends. They make the sadness of being away from family much less and treat me like one of their own children. I am extremely grateful they are here and look forward to the times I work with them and adore them. Even when Jack calls me Sarah Palin (its the poofy hair. Nothing else!)!!

I have met many interesting people as well. People are pretty friendly and I am happy to of made some new friends. Like I said before, being friendly and outgoing at first is not my thing. I take a while to warm up to people. Jackson will force me to come out of my shell, which is good for me. I often feel I am living someone else's life! This place is stunningly beautiful and the opportunities I will get here will not be available anywhere else. I keep reminding myself of that.

Church was amazing yesterday. My eyes were opened and a fire was lit inside of me. Being so far away from comforts of my life has forced me to turn to the Lord. I have never (in years) turned myself so completely to the Lord. I have prayed for comfort, strength, knowledge, and guidance as I navigate these new roads. I feel very blessed and happy to have the gift of the gospel and what a blessing to have it here with me during this time. I plan to focus more whole-heartedly on the gospel and I know when I do this, other things will fall into place.

I've had a few funny stories happen this week:

My first day here I was leaving to go eat dinner with my roommate. Our neighbor was out on the balcony and yelled to me. She had locked herself out of her house! She asked me to go through her front door, up the stairs, and to let her in. I felt like I was breaking into her home! The poor women had been out there for almost a half hour. Her food had burned in the kitchen and she was stuck outside without a jacket. I was happy to of helped her. Plus it was fun seeing the inside of her house. VERY beautiful home!!!

This last saturday, it SNOWED ALL DAY! Arizonian Dasha was beyond excited. I was the only one. one shared in the joy of snow! That night, after work, Wendy and I were walking back to our car. I saw that the sidewalk was wet. I did not think anything of it. I walked across and did this:

To say I was embarassed in an understatement. I was totally unprepared for ice! What do I know! Snow does not happen in my world, much less ice. As I fell, all I could think of was protecting the candles I had just bought on clearance. Who cares about broken bones when you have a steal of a deal to save!! A taxi driver jumped out of his car to help me. Luckily, I recovered quickly and got back up and avoided his assistance. It was pretty darn funny and makes the bruises and sore body more bearable!

One night I was working late at work, checking merchandise in and taking it out of the boxes. As I took one box out, there was a freakin' SCORPION in the box. I jumped about a mile and threw the box across the floor. My coworker Justin, picked it up! Luckily it was squished to death but what the freak! I am in wyoming. Those things should not be here! The box did come from Texas, but I was royally freaked out that night!

And last, but not least. Last night I saw my first moose! And two babies! We have signs up all over talking about moose crossings. My roommates have both seen them but I hadn't. We were driving into Jackson for Branch Prayer when we saw them. We pulled over and watched them for a minute. So cute and I'm happy I finally saw some! Next time I will have my camera with me!!!


ginalenore said...

Yaaaaaay! I'm so happy you wrote the fun stories on here :) Sorry you're not loving the retail'll get used to it though! I have faith! Keep on truckin'! :)

Rushele said...

What a great experience for you!! I am so glad that you are doing fun things (outside your comfort zone) and that you're happy!! It makes me so happy to read about you feeling happy and having fun and going to church! I love you Dasha!!!!!