Sunday, May 16, 2010


Tomm and Courtney had a baby!!! It's been so long that I can't remember when. March? They named her Amy and she is seriously so adorable. When that girl gets older she will be a heartbreaker!

Geeners got married in November!!! I was fortunate to be a "bridesmaid." I loved seeing her all made up in a pretty dress. She truly married the best guy for her and I am so happy that she found Travis:)

Canyon was baptised in February. I was asked to speak on the Holy Ghost. It was a neat experience and so fun to have family together. I am proud of Canyon and the decision he made to become a member of the church.

I turned 27 in February.YEEEHAWW....not even close.

Went to Disneyland in March. Met Woody. Got my picture and took it back to my work (preschool). One of the boys is obsessed with Toy Story. This picture made me officially the coolest teacher ever!

I April I decided to take a job in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Its kind of a cool story how it came about. Its no secret I have been struggling in Thatcher. While I loved my job, the rest of my life was stale and I was not progressing in the least bit. I was in fact, degressing. One day my friend Wendy told me about a job position in Jackson. There was one spot left and asked me to send in my resume over the weekend. I forgot about it and figured they had filled the spot. She texted me the following week and asked me to send it in. The hiring person (Heidi) was waiting for it and had recieved other applicants. So I emailed it to her and within a week I got the job. I prayed and the way it has all come together so quickly its the right thing to do. While I am absolutely terrified, its an adventure and I will grow from it. So here I come Jackson!!

1 comment:

ginalenore said...

Yay! I've been trying to look at this post for a super long time and it never worked for some reason but now I see it! What's with the quotation marks around "bridesmaid"? Ha ha. I hope Wyoming is being good to ya!!