Saturday, March 7, 2009

Don't Eat Burritos in the Car

Last saturday, I was driving home eating a burrito from taco bell and talking on the phone. As I was turning, the beans spilled all over my hands. I was freakin' out trying to prevent them from getting all over my car. I made a wide turn onto dusty trail and the whole way home I was trying to prevent the spreadage of beans all over myself and the car. When I pulled up to my house, I spent a good minute cleaning beans. When I was satisfied, I looked in my review mirror and saw lights! I looked again and sure enough, it was a sheriff truck. I rolled down my window and he came over. He asked if I was okay and I said yeah but I spilt beans everywhere and even showed him my taco bell bag!! He starts to laugh and says that he thought I was a drunk driver and that it was a little early for a DUI! I told him I didn't know he was there and he had scared me, he said he had noticed! Luckily, he had a great sense of humor and didn't even give so much as a warning....I learned my lesson, don't eat bean burros in the car!


Julee said...

HEHEHEHEHE!!! You totally gave me my laugh for the day!!!! I can't wait to tell Danny!!! I always eat my Taco Bell Burritos in the car-in fact yesterday I did and the beans squirted out on me and burn my hands for a sec!! lol

Julee said...

P.S. Look at my have really good taste and let me know what color you think I should paint my master??

Rushele said...

I love the picture you attached to your story!!
And I'm glad you're o.k. and the Sheriff didn't give you a ticket or anything.
Food in the car is always tricky business!!