Sunday, December 7, 2008

Grateful Sunday


This past week, our family lost someone very dear and special to all of our hearts. My Uncle Art passed away. While in his passing, he is finally freed from his tired body, my heart goes out to his beloved and devoted wife, Elaine. This lady is amazing to me. I admire and love her so much. Years ago, can't remember how many, Uncle Art had a stroke. It left him without much use of one side of his body and unable to care for himself. Rather than place him in a home, my Aunt took care of him. She devoted her life to him!! I have NEVER heard her complain. She always had a smile on her face and was more than happy to tend to his every need. Until he became much weaker, she took him to all the family get togethers, ward activities, and they attended the temple each week. I truly do not know how she did it. I love her, and I am sad for her during this time but knowing her, she will go on without hardly flinching and continue to be the woman I admire so much and hope to one day be in a small way!


The last few weeks have been rather forgettable! Drama at home and in my own little self has made life really hard. Lucky for me, I've had some great friends who have really stepped up to the plate and made me feel loved or at least wanted! They have made me leave my house, get out there and have some fun! Its really helped me forget for a while how unhappy certain things are and that some people so care. Thank you so much ladies, you know who you are;) I'm extremely grateful for you!


Marisa and Rob said...

Hey, I'm so sorry to hear about your Uncle, and about your bad day you at had at home!!! :( I hope your doing good, and if you ever need to talk I'm here. I hope you enjoyed our Christmas Cards, there not that great, but they will do. I'm planning to come home sometime during Christmas. :)

Rushele said...

I love you!!!!

Julee said...

What an amazing Aunt you have!!! Must run in the blood!! I am so sorry to hear about your Uncles passing though. And yes, friends are the have been that friend for me too many times for me to count!!! Happy New Year girl!! What crazy thing are you going to give up this year...Soda again, Chocolate again, or something different!? I don't know how you did it!!