Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 Rewind

Spent time in Sacramento, CA with Jim and Shayla's family for Isabella's blessing and Joshua's baptism
Visited with Justin and Corinne who I hadn't seen in YEARS!
Started planning for our wedding, which at the time, was to be in April
Turned 28 (yikes)
Took engagement pictures in 17 degree weather
Changed wedding date to March
Struggled a lot with stomach issues and consequently lost almost 20 pounds!
Caught the flu OF DEATH and lost an additional 10 pounds
Wedding dress didn't fit as well in certain areas due to weight loss
Went and received my endowments
Sister recieved her endowments
MARRIED on the 12th at the Gila Valley Temple
Moved Miles into my 450 square foot apt
Miles turned 23
Miles got a job at the Morenci Mine
Quit Super 8 job
Both stayed busy working
Swimming almost everyday!
I quit work
Miles stopped all his medication (yeah!)
Miles lost job at mine
Started working for construction Co.
Dasha cut her hair SHORT 
Painted apt
"Adopted" a kitty
Miles gained a belly 
Miles lost construction job (ran out of work)
I found work but didn't start till January
Celebrated Thanksgiving in Mesa
Jake visited from Portland
Found out Dasha's thyroid is not working right
Both still out of work
New niece is born
Miles sees temple lights for the first time
Niece passes away/funeral
Miles sells his truck so we can pay bills
First Christmas together
Mile's dad's liver is in great shape (transplant a year ago)
Celebrate New Year's Eve with fireworks, hot chocolate, and sitting around the fire pit

2011 was a great and happy year but was one of EXTREME hardships as well.  I do not think I have been tested as much as I have during this last year.  While I hated life a lot of the time, I wouldn't change it.  We have both grown so much.  Not only individually but more importantly together as a couple.  We are so much closer and stronger today because of the trials we have been given.  God doesn't give us anything we can't handle.  So I say, "Bring it on, 2012!"



Katrine - make it and fake it said...

that picture is stunning!!! ADORE!
I love your statement " a perfectionist trapped inside a procrastinators body" that is literally the story of my life! LOL

love K

Jamie said...

Cousin, I am just catching up on your blog and I got a lump in,y throat reading this because our first year of marriage was much the same, but add in 9/11 and a new baby girl the week of your 9 month anniversary...holy cow, it's a miracle we survived. The good news? Everything since seems like CAKE! I hope it's the same for you guys, and let me remind you of Elder Hollands saying, " love is what you go through together." trudat. Hugs!