Saturday, December 31, 2011

We like cereal

Yes.  I see it.  I look wretched in these photos but I LOVE Miles and his faces..haha!  We both love love love cereal and eating it late at night, in bed, is a favorite of ours.  And one I hope we continue for a LONG time!

The One With the Cat

Our cat LOVES our bed.  I don't think its the bed as much as she enjoys the down comforter.  Everyday when I make the bed she goes crazy, hyper.  She loves to jump on it, inside of it, and Miles has spent hours running his hands slowly under the covers and watching her leap across the bed onto it!  Even as I write this, she is curled up at my feet wrapped in the comforter. She also is obsessed with her toy mice.  NOTHING does this cat love more!!! Almost every night we find them in our bed or at various places in the house (lately its the bathtub).  She also loves is to be wrapped up in the blankets...I think its weird, but Miles always does this for her and she seems to like it! It at least keeps her in one spot when she is crazy hyper...I can't complain about that since it keeps her from breaking things!! 

One of the beloved mice.
Miles thought this was funny.  I ALWAYS sleep with at least one foot hanging out of the bed.  I usually like both but since kitty was there, I could only manage sometimes she attacks my feet if they're too close to her.  This is not fun, hence the one foot!

I was asleep and Miles thought she needed to be tucked in.  I don't get why she likes it!!! Gotta admit though, it looks pretty funny!
This is the look she gives when playing.  All business.  Ready to conquer.
Another tucked in moment.

And yes, I do find it weird that I am posting about my cat.  But, alas, she is a big part of our world and sadly a alot of our pictures are of her!!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Was that my muscles? Or my pants.....

Poor Miles.  He split his pants at work one morning.  He did it in the morning, so he had a little extra coolage all day...hahaha!

Frye Mesa-November 2011

While Jake was in town, we took the two grizzly four-wheelers and rode them up to Frye Mesa.  IT WAS FREEZING!!! SO fun though and totally worth the semi-long drive.  Since I'm deathly afraid of heights now, I refused to walk across the dam.  So while Miles and Jake went off to explore, I hike around the water.  These are a few pictures I took with Miles iphone.  I was pretty impressed that they turned out so nice considering it was from his phone. Enjoy!

Its the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!

This was some of our "fall" decorations.  A few months ago, Walt (with the help of the missionaries) brought over Aunt Nettie's piano into our apartment.  I LOVE having a piano again!!! Not only is it great to play but I really like decorating the top of them.  Yes, I'm weird, but brings me joy:)

This pumpkin I made with Jenene.  I know pride is bad but I'm so proud of my work with this little beauty.  We actually made, I think, 6 of them to give to our girls we visit teach.  Jenene made me take the most "ugly" imagine what the others looked like..hahaha!

For Thanksgiving this year, we drove up to Mesa and spent it with my side of the family.  Every two years, we have the Jarvis Family Reunion.  Although technically I am not a Jarvis (were more distant related), were considered "adopted" into the family so, therefore, we are invited!  It was great fun and nice to see family, even though SO MANY were not there.  Jake actually flew into town from Portland, Oregon so it was even more fun seeing him and spending some time with him.  

Last but not least, its a Dasha Tradition to watch "Garfield's Halloween Adventure" and "The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown" each fall season.  Miles had never really seen them so he enjoyed that.  Another one were adding to the collection is "Scared Shrekless."  I'm not a huge Shrek fan but Miles is.  Holy cow, did we watch that dvd! For WEEKS Miles was quoting that movie.  To say he loved it would be an understatement.  I think it goes a lot deeper!! EVERYONE we saw or came over had to watch that dvd..hahaha...but whatever makes him happy!