Wednesday, October 12, 2011

If Life Were Easy Than It Wouldn't Be Hard

Its been a few months since I posted something real or of some importance.  The last few months have been a bit of a roller coaster to say the least.  Back in June Miles was hired on at the mine.  Two months in, he was hired to a position that is uncommon for newly hired workers.  We were excited and looking forward to the positive changes.  Literally within a day, our whole plan was changed.  As for a little background, for Miles 90-day probation, he was to work in each department or area of the mine.  In a certain area, the supervisor did not like Miles for whatever reason.  He was continually picked out of the group and reprimannded for situations that he was not a part of.  Consequently he was written up for one such incident that he had no control over.  As his dad said, "who was the jackass in charge.."  One week later, Miles forgot to shave before work.  Normally he keeps his shaver in the car, but that day he had taken his truck and realized too late that he didn't have it with him.  He either turned back, got the shaver, was late (which is another huge no ) or get in trouble for not shaving.  It was a lose situation all around.  Needless to say, he was sent home on suspension and fired a week later.  We have felt, as well as countless other people, that Miles was not treated fairly.  Miles decided to fight their decision, had an interview with a person in charge, and we are now waiting, a month later, for their decision.  During this time, we have lost our insurance and went about 4 weeks without any income.  I should also mention that during the last two months, I quit my job to focus on some other things.  So we literally had NO INCOME.  Its been hard!  But I tell you what, we have been blessed.  Luckily we had paid our bills for that month beforehand and were helped immensley by family in regards with food, etc.  I will tell you that my testimony has been greatly strengthened.  After a day of fasting for Miles, he literally had a job put in his lap.  He is now working for a construction company and seems to really enjoy it.  Its a pay cut, but its a job and for that we are grateful!  Also during this, Miles has realized that he needs to go back to school, and probably wouldn't be going back as soon if he continued at the mine.  All in all, it has all worked out, brought us closer to each other and the Lord, which I am extremely thankful for!!!

On a happier note, we got a cat...she's a stray that literally adopted us...She's cute, cuddly, little crazy, and we couldn't love her more.  Miles and I still say almost daily that we cannot believe we own a cat...we always planned on a dog.  But she came at the perfect time and brought laughter and love into our home which makes us adore her more....we love our crazy Ollie:

Even though we've had a hard few months, I would not trade them for anything (okay maybe a few million bucks or a skinny body..) because they have made us stronger.  Last night, I realized how much happier we are.  We both laugh.  A lot.  We still get upset with one another or misunderstand things but the way we resolve them is done in a much sweeter, kinder way.  While we both have loads of things we still need to work on, I see how we are growing closer together as a unit.  And that, my friends, makes everthing worth it.

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