Monday, May 31, 2010

WeeK TWo!!!

Yet another week has passed here in good 'ol Jackson! Time really is flying by. I'm okay with that yet the urgency to do all I want to do here is getting stronger. My roommates and I plan to make a GIANT list of every single thing we want to do and mark them off. I'm uber excited about this and cannot wait to get started. If only the stinkin' weather would cooperate! Its been raining everyday and freezing cold! I decided to start jogging this week. LOL. I make myself laugh just writing that! I'm determined to get fit though. I've already lost a bit of weight and want to lose a total of thirty plus pounds. Well see! ANYWAYS! I doubt people want to hear about my "lifestyle" whoas!

This past week at work has been extremely crazy. Memorial weekend is huge for our store and a big deal. So we had tons of prep, and overtime was definitely worked. I'm slowly getting more comfortable in the store and starting to enjoy talking with customers! I actually met a man from Duncan and enjoyed a pleasant extended conversation with him but stupid me didn't get his name! Nicole, he knows the Duncan is full of them but still. He is from Arizona! That makes my heart happy:)

Jamie Melin (Post) and her family came and visited me saturday afternoon. Oh the excitement! I was so happy to see family! I prob hugged the poor girl ten times! They live in Montana and I am hoping to visit them sometime while I am here. My Uncle Jim is also nearby and I look forward to visiting with him! And don't mind the tired grubby looking me. And the stupid apron. We have to wear them now. Lucky me!

Also this weekend, Wendy had two friends come into town. One of the girls Annie recieved her mission call! She is going to Argentina. It was so fun to be a part of it. I loved hanging out and working with Annie and Allison. They are great girls and so much fun! We had a guitar hero party last night....watched a Goofy Movie, ate ice cream cookies, and Karli made the most amazing chicken pot pie. Holy heaven it was good! That girl can cook!!!

As for wildlife. I seriously almost hit the biggest wolf! It was beautiful but scared the living crap out of me! Our local moose has been out and about with her two babies. The little ones are starting to look more like moose and less like aliens....last night Wendy and I took a late drive through Teton Park and saw several herds of elk. SO AWESOME!!!!! It was crazy how many they were. And kinda spooky with their glowy eyes but pretty nonetheless!

Well, I honestly have nothing really to talk about! I will soon though. Guarantee it!

Peace out.

Monday, May 24, 2010

FiRSt WeEk!!!!

So I survived my first week in Jackson. Let me tell you. The first two days, were AWFUL! I fully did not expect to get homesick. But I did and it hit me HARD!! Sunday I was a mess. Completely started to cry at the drop of a needle. Plus I was sick that day and my roommates were gone the whole day which made me even sadder and lonley. Luckily I was remedied with some homemade strawberry shortcake that night and life became suddenly happier!

Work is an adjustment. This last week, I have learned that sales/customer service is not my thing. The cash register scares me and so do some of the customers;) I am learning though and when I am overwhelmed, I remember that this is just a small chapter of my life that will quickly pass and be a memory. Ultimately I do like work. I hate saying it so early in the game but I do work with some wonderful people. We have four retired "older" couples who work the weekends. They make the sadness of being away from family much less and treat me like one of their own children. I am extremely grateful they are here and look forward to the times I work with them and adore them. Even when Jack calls me Sarah Palin (its the poofy hair. Nothing else!)!!

I have met many interesting people as well. People are pretty friendly and I am happy to of made some new friends. Like I said before, being friendly and outgoing at first is not my thing. I take a while to warm up to people. Jackson will force me to come out of my shell, which is good for me. I often feel I am living someone else's life! This place is stunningly beautiful and the opportunities I will get here will not be available anywhere else. I keep reminding myself of that.

Church was amazing yesterday. My eyes were opened and a fire was lit inside of me. Being so far away from comforts of my life has forced me to turn to the Lord. I have never (in years) turned myself so completely to the Lord. I have prayed for comfort, strength, knowledge, and guidance as I navigate these new roads. I feel very blessed and happy to have the gift of the gospel and what a blessing to have it here with me during this time. I plan to focus more whole-heartedly on the gospel and I know when I do this, other things will fall into place.

I've had a few funny stories happen this week:

My first day here I was leaving to go eat dinner with my roommate. Our neighbor was out on the balcony and yelled to me. She had locked herself out of her house! She asked me to go through her front door, up the stairs, and to let her in. I felt like I was breaking into her home! The poor women had been out there for almost a half hour. Her food had burned in the kitchen and she was stuck outside without a jacket. I was happy to of helped her. Plus it was fun seeing the inside of her house. VERY beautiful home!!!

This last saturday, it SNOWED ALL DAY! Arizonian Dasha was beyond excited. I was the only one. one shared in the joy of snow! That night, after work, Wendy and I were walking back to our car. I saw that the sidewalk was wet. I did not think anything of it. I walked across and did this:

To say I was embarassed in an understatement. I was totally unprepared for ice! What do I know! Snow does not happen in my world, much less ice. As I fell, all I could think of was protecting the candles I had just bought on clearance. Who cares about broken bones when you have a steal of a deal to save!! A taxi driver jumped out of his car to help me. Luckily, I recovered quickly and got back up and avoided his assistance. It was pretty darn funny and makes the bruises and sore body more bearable!

One night I was working late at work, checking merchandise in and taking it out of the boxes. As I took one box out, there was a freakin' SCORPION in the box. I jumped about a mile and threw the box across the floor. My coworker Justin, picked it up! Luckily it was squished to death but what the freak! I am in wyoming. Those things should not be here! The box did come from Texas, but I was royally freaked out that night!

And last, but not least. Last night I saw my first moose! And two babies! We have signs up all over talking about moose crossings. My roommates have both seen them but I hadn't. We were driving into Jackson for Branch Prayer when we saw them. We pulled over and watched them for a minute. So cute and I'm happy I finally saw some! Next time I will have my camera with me!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Drive to Jackson, Wyoming


I left Thatcher about 730 in the morning. My car was packed and I was rearing to go. I was super sad to leave. I didn't really think people cared about me. Leaving, changed that! I have felt so loved and all the goodbyes that have been given are super appreciated. Work was especially hard. I have loved those kids like my own. I know that they love me right back and I miss that love daily. Several parents gave me cards and I will cherish them forever. What they said made all the sacrifice and work that I put into the classroom and teaching worth it. I also will miss the ladies and the fun times we had.

So I, of course, did not find my digital camera till I got to wyoming. I did have a disposable one a friend gave me, which I used, just don't know when I will get it developed! I passed through Northern Arizona aka Lake Powell which was GORGEOUS!! When I come back, I will be taking lots of pictures WITH a digital! While driving over the dam, my brand-new 44oz pepsi flew over my whole seat. To say I was mad is an understatement! It completely soaked my directions and seat. Luckily I have leather, so crisis was adverted with a few cleaning wipes! On my way to Cedar City, I had to go through some mountains. It totally started SNOWING! So, I rolled down my window, and stuck the camera out and took loads of pictures! It was so pretty and exciting to see lakes frozen over and people riding snowmobiles. You never see that in Arizona! Finally I got into Cedar City about 6 in the evening. Felt a little foolish. I was wearing shorts and flip flops while everyone else was bundled up. Hopefully my ASU tshirt explained myself!


This day started out much later than planned. I did not sleep well during the night. I have a habit of stressing myself out which means sickness and not much sleep. I finally fell into a deep sleep around 4 in the morning and ended up not leaving cedar city till 930. The drive through utah was a little boring but I did enjoy seeing all the temples as I passed them on the 15. Idaho was really pretty too but Wyoming takes the cake! The pass throught the Teton Mountains is breathtaking. Its still covered in snow since spring just barely started, but beautiful nonetheless. Once I got into town, my roommate Wendy helped me unload and took me into jackson. While driving there she warned me about moose in the area. Her and our other roommate saw one by our apartment the day before and then again near the road. SCARY!!! Don't know how I will react when I encounted wildlife. Anyways, she took me on a little tour of the town. The whole time I kept thinking, what in the world am I doing here! This place is tiny and very woody and cowboyish! They have a kmart, albertsons, smiths, dollar tree, few fast food places, and of course, loads of tourist shops and expensive restaurants! Its very charming though. I just have to get into the groove and get out and live it up here. Which I plan to do!!!


Tomm and Courtney had a baby!!! It's been so long that I can't remember when. March? They named her Amy and she is seriously so adorable. When that girl gets older she will be a heartbreaker!

Geeners got married in November!!! I was fortunate to be a "bridesmaid." I loved seeing her all made up in a pretty dress. She truly married the best guy for her and I am so happy that she found Travis:)

Canyon was baptised in February. I was asked to speak on the Holy Ghost. It was a neat experience and so fun to have family together. I am proud of Canyon and the decision he made to become a member of the church.

I turned 27 in February.YEEEHAWW....not even close.

Went to Disneyland in March. Met Woody. Got my picture and took it back to my work (preschool). One of the boys is obsessed with Toy Story. This picture made me officially the coolest teacher ever!

I April I decided to take a job in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Its kind of a cool story how it came about. Its no secret I have been struggling in Thatcher. While I loved my job, the rest of my life was stale and I was not progressing in the least bit. I was in fact, degressing. One day my friend Wendy told me about a job position in Jackson. There was one spot left and asked me to send in my resume over the weekend. I forgot about it and figured they had filled the spot. She texted me the following week and asked me to send it in. The hiring person (Heidi) was waiting for it and had recieved other applicants. So I emailed it to her and within a week I got the job. I prayed and the way it has all come together so quickly its the right thing to do. While I am absolutely terrified, its an adventure and I will grow from it. So here I come Jackson!!