Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Countdown to Cali

I am going to Cali next week with a friend and I couldn't be more excited!!! To make me even more pumped, I am going to TRY and post a memory or fav of disneyland each day till the big day. Wish me luck. I am yet again sick with a sinus infection and its making it hard to do anything!

Julee is probably the best person to go to disneyland with. We had SO MUCH fun and her enthusiasm was contagious. This pic was taken at the end of our LONG day. We were soaking wet, it was freezing outside and we were about to watch The Electrical Parade, which is the best thing EVER at disneyland, I will save that for another post!! Anyways, I love this girl and I love her even more at disneyland!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I just really like this video and apostle...he may be my new favorite!!


My friend Nicole invited me to come with her and her daughter Brooke to the air show at luke air force base a few weeks ago (I can't remember the date). I went there not really expecting to enjoy it...I even carried my 700 page book in case I got bored!!! I ABSOLUTELY enjoyed it and highly recommend it. At the end of the day, Nicole told her husband (who was there with the boy scouts) that she wanted to make it a yearly thing. He said no thanks so we decided we will make it a girls trip next year!!!


1. The airplanes

2. Krispy Kremes

3. Watching Nicole spill maple syrup all over herself in a very precarious place

4. Randomnly seeing Kelsey in a ginourmous crowd of people

5. Getting my picture taken by an officer

6. Frozen Lemonade

7. The wicked sunburn I got and which has given me (I'm sure) a permanent farmers tan

8. Roadtripping with Nicole