Sunday, March 15, 2009

That Time of Year!!!

Its spring training time!!! One of my favorite times of the year!! Trips to tucson, laying on the grass, watching baseball! Eating a hot dog, cold coke, DIPPIN'DOTS, and get a really bad sunburn, and thinking youre gonna die from the heat....sounds like the perfect day to me!!!

Anyone want to join me?!! Its a blast, fo' shizzle!!!

Someone, Please, Remove These Cuttlerys From My Knees!

This is one of my favorite Flight of the Conchord's song....enjoy!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Dasha's Summer Concert Series

Just thought Id share some of my excitement! These both arrived in the mail the other day and to say I'm excited is an understatement!!!

Keith Urban and Flight of the Conchords Baby!!!

This video is from the last Keith Urban concert I went to (this will be my third)....please ignore the shaking, I was super excited as well as the screaming and singing from all of us, we couldn't help ourselves!!!

As for Flight of the Conchords, not a lot of people recognize them but I absolutely LOVE them!! It takes a certain type of humor and intellect to get them, and I will forever be grateful to Gina for introducing me to them....we've spent many a night watching them and sharing our joy with others!

Don't Eat Burritos in the Car

Last saturday, I was driving home eating a burrito from taco bell and talking on the phone. As I was turning, the beans spilled all over my hands. I was freakin' out trying to prevent them from getting all over my car. I made a wide turn onto dusty trail and the whole way home I was trying to prevent the spreadage of beans all over myself and the car. When I pulled up to my house, I spent a good minute cleaning beans. When I was satisfied, I looked in my review mirror and saw lights! I looked again and sure enough, it was a sheriff truck. I rolled down my window and he came over. He asked if I was okay and I said yeah but I spilt beans everywhere and even showed him my taco bell bag!! He starts to laugh and says that he thought I was a drunk driver and that it was a little early for a DUI! I told him I didn't know he was there and he had scared me, he said he had noticed! Luckily, he had a great sense of humor and didn't even give so much as a warning....I learned my lesson, don't eat bean burros in the car!

Hey there Darlin', hope I didn't dent your do...

Last week, a friend and I had our hair done. She went short and I just had a some color put in as well as some more layers....nothing too drastic. I was torn between keeping the length or going shorter. For now, the length is fine but I'm sure by summer it will be short. I just don't feel attractive with longer hair. Anyways, here is my new do!!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A New Kinda In-Soles?!

This is my nephew Kavan's ingenuity....

Smart Kid!!!