Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I Was Tagged!!!

Here are the rules:
Go to your documents/pictures
Click on the 6th file
Click on the 6th picture
Blog about it
Tag 6 people

This was a few concerts ago....I was living in Thatcher and drove up with Jenene. We met Gina and her sister and rocked out all night....I had bronchitis or some sort of nasty broncial thing so everytime I sang I coughed up a lung but it was still fun. Really entertaining to see Jenene and Gina's sister get into it...really really funny but awesome:) On the way home was the first time I got a speeding ticket...stupid cameras!

I tag:








Rushele said...

Thanks for the tag.
I am bad at doing them, but will try to get on it.
I love that you are such a die hard Bon Jovi fan, Love it!!!
Cute pic of you and Gina too!

Marisa and Rob said...

O'Man you tag me!!!! I will do it soon! I have not seen any of you in a VERY long time!!!! :( I love the picture of you and Gina