Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Pasts

Halloween is so fun!! Its a holiday I look forward to each year!! I love the decor, carving pumpking, eating loads of candy, dressing up, and best of all FREE CHIPOTLE!!!! Its a tradition started last year and I will continue till the end!!! The deal is you have to come to the restaraunt dressed as a burrito and they will give it to you for free. Since they're like almost ten bucks its a pretty sweet deal!! Here are a few halloween outfits from the last few years and best of all, myself as a burrito!This was my first halloween once I moved to Mesa. I wasn't going to dress up and at the last minute decided to be a punk person...everyone thought I was madonna...a fat one, at least!!

Gina had never carved a pumpkin before...I think anyways..can't remember!! So we woke up at 5am Halloween morning and carved our pumpkins!! This was the year that Gina introduced me to Garfield's Halloween favorite next to the Great Pumpkin' Charlie Brown.

This is my favorite costume!! Obviously she is a pin and I'm the bowling ball! We got a lot of great compliments on this one. Plus it was easy and SO COMFORTABLE!

We were so excited you wouldn't believe!

PRETENDING to be a "stuffed" burrito. In fact, I was starving and wanted to cry cause I couldn't eat the freakin' burrito!

*side-note: last year I had my wisdom teeth out four days before halloween. So not only was I unable to eat the burrito my face is swollen!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Grateful Sundays

I need to be more thankful for things in my life. I tend to lean towards the selfish, "its all about me" side of life. My favorite subject to talk about it seriously its so easy to focus on the bad in life. I want to regain my positive outlook and to become more selfless and to see the Lord's hand more readily in my life. So, lucky for you, I will try to post each sunday things that I am grateful for!


We had two elders over the other night. It was awesome! No, not because they just happen to be fun and good looking but because they brought a special spirit into our home, one that was needed. To just have them present was enough but they shared a few scriptures that really touched me, and reminded me of feeling the Spirit. I have not been as active in the gospel as I should be, and this was a great reminder of what I am missing when I decide not to attend all my meetings or to make the gospel a priority. It was a great reminder to me, to know that the church is true and that the Lord does love me.


Seriously. This stuff, and Coca-Cola, is my saving grace when working. Withstanding 8+hours of little children under the age of 3 who happen to be extremely loud, anyone would need a pick me up. Since my health has been bad, this stuff helps me stay alert enough to take care of the little ones with a smile on my face and allows all of us to have a good time!! Plus, it just tastes so darn good!!


To finally have a job and to be making my own money is a great relief to me. I hate having to ask for money and depend on others. Its a sense of comfort knowing that pretty soon I can depend on myself! I can already feel a change in me and some of the sadness and depression that I've been carrying for awhile is disappearing!! It makes me happy to be at work and to be surrounded by these little ones who are so full of love, happiness, and bring out the teacher in me! I love teaching and working with them, its seriously a blast even when they break the fishtank and waterlog the classroom!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Gone and Done It

I've been playing with the idea of a blog for awhile. In fact, I've had this thing for a few months and did nothing with it! Been a "blog stalker" for awhile and decided to join in on the fun! I've always loved to write and have gone astray from that in the last few years. I figured this would be a good, small way to tap back into that. So I hope you all will enjoy this is as much I hope to!!

Yeah for blogs!!

Julee, now that I've updated this, ITS YOUR TURN!!

The end.